Provides some basic information on a given locale identifier.
stri_locale_info(locale = NULL)
NULL or "" for default locale,
or a single string with locale identifier.
Returns a list with the following named character strings:
Language, Country, Variant, and
Name, being their underscore separated combination.
With this function you may obtain some basic information
on any provided locale identifier,
even if it is unsupported by ICU or if you pass a malformed locale
identifier (the one that is not e.g. of the form Language_Country).
See stringi-locale for discussion. This function does nothing complicated. In many
cases it is similar to a call to
as.list(stri_split_fixed(locale, "_", 3L)[[1]]),
with locale case mapped.
It may be used, however, to get insight on how ICU understands a provided
locale identifier.