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stringi (version 1.2.4)

stringi-search: String Searching


This man page instructs how to perform string search-based operations in stringi.



The following independent string searching ``engines'' are available in stringi.

Each ``engine'' is able to perform many search-based operations. These may include:

  • stri_detect_* - detect if a pattern occurs in a string, see e.g. stri_detect,

  • stri_count_* - count the number of pattern occurrences, see e.g. stri_count,

  • stri_locate_* - locate all, first, or last occurrences of a pattern, see e.g. stri_locate,

  • stri_extract_* - extract all, first, or last occurrences of a pattern, see e.g. stri_extract and, in case of regexes, stri_match,

  • stri_replace_* - replace all, first, or last occurrences of a pattern, see e.g. stri_replace and also stri_trim,

  • stri_split_* - split a string into chunks indicated by occurrences of a pattern, see e.g. stri_split,

  • stri_startswith_* and stri_endswith_* detect if a string starts or ends with a pattern match, see e.g. stri_startswith,

  • stri_subset_* - return a subset of a character vector with strings that match a given pattern, see e.g. stri_subset.

See Also

Other text_boundaries: stri_count_boundaries, stri_extract_all_boundaries, stri_locate_all_boundaries, stri_opts_brkiter, stri_split_boundaries, stri_split_lines, stri_trans_tolower, stri_wrap, stringi-search-boundaries

Other search_regex: stri_opts_regex, stringi-search-regex

Other search_fixed: stri_opts_fixed, stringi-search-fixed

Other search_coll: stri_opts_collator, stringi-search-coll

Other search_charclass: stri_trim_both, stringi-search-charclass

Other search_detect: stri_detect, stri_startswith

Other search_count: stri_count_boundaries, stri_count

Other search_locate: stri_locate_all_boundaries, stri_locate_all

Other search_replace: stri_replace_all, stri_replace_na, stri_trim_both

Other search_split: stri_split_boundaries, stri_split_lines, stri_split

Other search_subset: stri_subset

Other search_extract: stri_extract_all_boundaries, stri_extract_all, stri_match_all

Other stringi_general_topics: stringi-arguments, stringi-encoding, stringi-locale, stringi-package, stringi-search-boundaries, stringi-search-charclass, stringi-search-coll, stringi-search-fixed, stringi-search-regex