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mpMap (version 1.14)

summary.mpqtl: Summary of mpqtl object


Prints a summary of the detected QTL


"summary" (object, ...)


Object of class mpqtl
Additional arguments


Table with rows for each QTL detected: Column 1 is the chromosome where the QTL was detected Column 2 is the position where the QTL was detected on the chromosome Columns 3 and 4 are the flanking markers for the QTL Columns 5, 6, 7 and 8 are the effect estimates for the founders Column 9 is the Wald test statistic for the overall test at that position Column 10 is the p-value for the test statistic

See Also

mpIM, plot.mpqtl


Run this code
sim.map <- sim.map(len=rep(100, 2), n.mar=11, include.x=FALSE, eq.spacing=TRUE)
sim.ped <- sim.mpped(4, 1, 500, 6, 1)
sim.dat <- sim.mpcross(map=sim.map, pedigree=sim.ped, qtl=matrix(data=c(1, 10, .4, 0, 0, 0, 1, 70, 0, .35, 0, 0), nrow=2, ncol=6, byrow=TRUE), seed=1)
mpp.dat <- mpprob(sim.dat, program="qtl", step=2)
mpq.dat <- mpIM(object=mpp.dat, ncov=0, thr=1, responsename="pheno")

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