All color palettes are shown and/or returned that can be used for tableplots.
tablePalettes(plot = TRUE)
Boolean that determines whether the palettes are plot.
list with palettes (silent output)
Diverging palettes (for numeric variables): "RdYlBu"
, "RdYlGn"
, "PRGn"
, and "BrBG"
These palettes are taken from ColorBrewer (Brewer et al., 2003).
Qualitative palattes (for categorical variables): "Set1"
, "Set2"
, "Set3"
, "Set5"
, "Set6"
, "Set7"
, "Set8"
, "Paired"
, "HCL2"
, and "HCL3"
The default palette, "Set1"
, is a colorblind-friendly palette (see Okabe and Ito, 2002). Palettes "Set2"
to "Set6"
and "Paired"
are based on ColorBrewer palettes (Brewer et al., 2003). Palette "Set7"
, is a colorblind-friedly palette from the dichromat package (see Thomas Lumley , 2012). Palette "Set8"
is a palette created by Wijffelaars (2008). The "HCL"
Palettes are based on the Hue-Chroma-Luminance color space model (see Zeileis et al., 2009). The color red has been removed from the orignal palettes, since it is occupied by missing values.
Thomas Lumley (2013). dichromat: Color Schemes for Dichromats. R package version 2.0-0.