# EXAMPLE 1: Dichotomous unidimensional data sim.rasch
resp <- data.sim.rasch[ 1:500, 1:15 ] # select subsample of students and items
# estimate Rasch model
mod <- TAM::tam.mml(resp)
# draw 5 plausible values without a normality
# assumption of the posterior and 2000 ability nodes
pv1a <- TAM::tam.pv( mod, nplausible=5, ntheta=2000 )
# draw 5 plausible values with a normality
# assumption of the posterior and 500 ability nodes
pv1b <- TAM::tam.pv( mod, nplausible=5, ntheta=500, normal.approx=TRUE )
# distribution of first plausible value from imputation pv1
hist(pv1a$pv$PV1.Dim1 )
# boxplot of all plausible values from imputation pv2
boxplot(pv1b$pv[, 2:6 ] )
# }
# draw plausible values with tam.pv.mcmc function
Y <- matrix(1, nrow=500, ncol=1)
pv2 <- TAM::tam.pv.mcmc( tamobj=mod, Y=Y, nplausible=5 )
# summary output
# assessing convergence with traceplots
plot(pv2, ask=TRUE)
# use starting values for theta and MH factors which fulfill acceptance rates
# from previously fitted model
pv3 <- TAM::tam.pv.mcmc( tamobj=mod, Y=Y, nplausible=5, theta_init=pv2$theta_last,
adj_MH=pv2$theta_acceptance_MH$adj_MH )
# EXAMPLE 2: Unidimensional plausible value imputation with
# background variables; dataset data.pisaRead from sirt package
data(data.pisaRead, package="sirt")
dat <- data.pisaRead$data
## > colnames(dat)
## [1] "idstud" "idschool" "female" "hisei" "migra" "R432Q01"
## [7] "R432Q05" "R432Q06" "R456Q01" "R456Q02" "R456Q06" "R460Q01"
## [13] "R460Q05" "R460Q06" "R466Q02" "R466Q03" "R466Q06"
## Note that reading items have variable names starting with R4
# estimate 2PL model without covariates
items <- grep("R4", colnames(dat) ) # select test items from data
mod2a <- TAM::tam.mml.2pl( resp=dat[,items] )
# fix item parameters for plausible value imputation
# fix item intercepts by defining xsi.fixed
xsi0 <- mod2a$xsi$xsi
xsi.fixed <- cbind( seq(1,length(xsi0)), xsi0 )
# fix item slopes using mod2$B
# matrix of latent regressors female, hisei and migra
Y <- dat[, c("female", "hisei", "migra") ]
mod2b <- TAM::tam.mml( resp=dat[,items], B=mod2a$B, xsi.fixed=xsi.fixed, Y=Y,
# plausible value imputation with normality assumption
# and ignoring uncertainty about regression coefficients
# -> the default is samp.regr=FALSE
pv2c <- TAM::tam.pv( mod2b, nplausible=10, ntheta=500, normal.approx=TRUE )
# sampling of regression coefficients
pv2d <- TAM::tam.pv( mod2b, nplausible=10, ntheta=500, samp.regr=TRUE)
# sampling of regression coefficients, normal approximation using the
# theta grid from the model
pv2e <- TAM::tam.pv( mod2b, samp.regr=TRUE, theta.model=TRUE, normal.approx=TRUE)
#--- create list of multiply imputed datasets with plausible values
# define dataset with covariates to be matched
Y <- dat[, c("idstud", "idschool", "female", "hisei", "migra") ]
# define plausible value names
pvnames <- c("PVREAD")
# create list of imputed datasets
datlist1 <- TAM::tampv2datalist( pv2e, pvnames=pvnames, Y=Y, Y.pid="idstud")
# create a matrix of covariates with different set of students than in pv2e
Y1 <- Y[ seq( 1, 600, 2 ), ]
# create list of multiply imputed datasets
datlist2 <- TAM::tampv2datalist( pv2e, pvnames=c("PVREAD"), Y=Y1, Y.pid="idstud")
#--- fit some models in lavaan and semTools
#*** Model 1: Linear regression
lavmodel <- "
PVREAD ~ migra + hisei
mod1 <- semTools::lavaan.mi( lavmodel, data=datlist1, m=0)
summary(mod1, standardized=TRUE, rsquare=TRUE)
# apply lavaan for third imputed dataset
mod1a <- lavaan::lavaan( lavmodel, data=datlist1[[3]] )
summary(mod1a, standardized=TRUE, rsquare=TRUE)
# compare with mod1 by looping over all datasets
mod1b <- lapply( datlist1, FUN=function(dat0){
mod1a <- lavaan( lavmodel, data=dat0 )
coef( mod1a)
} )
mod1b <- matrix( unlist( mod1b ), ncol=length( coef(mod1)), byrow=TRUE )
round( colMeans(mod1b), 3 )
coef(mod1) # -> results coincide
#*** Model 2: Path model
lavmodel <- "
PVREAD ~ migra + hisei
hisei ~ migra
hisei ~~ hisei
mod2 <- semTools::lavaan.mi( lavmodel, data=datlist1 )
summary(mod2, standardized=TRUE, rsquare=TRUE)
# fit statistics
inspect( mod2, what="fit")
#--- using mitools package
# convert datalist into an object of class imputationList
datlist1a <- mitools::imputationList( datlist1 )
# fit linear regression
mod1c <- with( datlist1a, stats::lm( PVREAD ~ migra + hisei ) )
summary( mitools::MIcombine(mod1c) )
#--- using mice package
# convert datalist into a mids object
mids1 <- miceadds::datalist2mids( datlist1 )
# fit linear regression
mod1c <- with( mids1, stats::lm( PVREAD ~ migra + hisei ) )
summary( mice::pool(mod1c) )
# EXAMPLE 3: Multidimensional plausible value imputation
# (1) simulate some data
N <- 1000
Y <- cbind( stats::rnorm(N), stats::rnorm(N) )
theta <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm( N, mean=c(0,0), sigma=matrix( c(1,.5,.5,1), 2, 2 ))
theta[,1] <- theta[,1] + .4 * Y[,1] + .2 * Y[,2] # latent regression model
theta[,2] <- theta[,2] + .8 * Y[,1] + .5 * Y[,2] # latent regression model
I <- 20
p1 <- stats::plogis( outer( theta[,1], seq( -2, 2, len=I ), "-" ) )
resp1 <- 1 * ( p1 > matrix( stats::runif( N*I ), nrow=N, ncol=I ) )
p1 <- stats::plogis( outer( theta[,2], seq( -2, 2, len=I ), "-" ) )
resp2 <- 1 * ( p1 > matrix( stats::runif( N*I ), nrow=N, ncol=I ) )
resp <- cbind(resp1,resp2)
colnames(resp) <- paste("I", 1:(2*I), sep="")
# (2) define loading Matrix
Q <- array( 0, dim=c( 2*I, 2 ))
Q[cbind(1:(2*I), c( rep(1,I), rep(2,I) ))] <- 1
# (3) fit latent regression model
mod <- TAM::tam.mml( resp=resp, Y=Y, Q=Q )
# (4) draw plausible values
pv1 <- TAM::tam.pv( mod, theta.model=TRUE )
# (5) convert plausible values to list of imputed datasets
Y1 <- data.frame(Y)
colnames(Y1) <- paste0("Y",1:2)
pvnames <- c("PVFA","PVFB")
# create list of imputed datasets
datlist1 <- TAM::tampv2datalist( pv1, pvnames=pvnames, Y=Y1 )
# (6) apply statistical models
# define linear regression
lavmodel <- "
PVFA ~ Y1 + Y2
mod1 <- semTools::lavaan.mi( lavmodel, data=datlist1 )
summary(mod1, standardized=TRUE, rsquare=TRUE)
# (7) draw plausible values with tam.pv.mcmc function
Y1 <- cbind( 1, Y )
pv2 <- TAM::tam.pv.mcmc( tamobj=mod, Y=Y1, n.iter=1000, n.burnin=200 )
# (8) group-specific plausible values
# create artificial grouping variable
group <- sample( 1:3, N, replace=TRUE )
pv3 <- TAM::tam.pv.mcmc( tamobj, Y=Y1, n.iter=1000, n.burnin=200, group=group )
# (9) plausible values with no fitted object in TAM
# fit IRT model without covariates
mod4a <- TAM::tam.mml( resp=resp, Q=Q )
# define input for tam.pv.mcmc
tamobj1 <- list( AXsi=mod4a$AXsi, B=mod4a$B, resp=mod4a$resp )
pmod4 <- TAM::tam.pv.mcmc( tamobj1, Y=Y1 )
# EXAMPLE 4: Plausible value imputation with measurement errors in covariates
N <- 2000 # number of persons
I <- 10 # number of items
# simulate covariates
X <- mvrnorm( N, mu=c(0,0), Sigma=matrix( c(1,.5,.5,1),2,2 ) )
colnames(X) <- paste0("X",1:2)
# second covariate with measurement error with variance var.err
var.err <- .3
X.err <- X
X.err[,2] <-X[,2] + rnorm(N, sd=sqrt(var.err) )
# simulate theta
theta <- .5*X[,1] + .4*X[,2] + rnorm( N, sd=.5 )
# simulate item responses
itemdiff <- seq( -2, 2, length=I) # item difficulties
dat <- sirt::sim.raschtype( theta, b=itemdiff )
#*** Model 0: Regression model with true variables
mod0 <- stats::lm( theta ~ X )
#*** Model 1: latent regression model with true covariates X
xsi.fixed <- cbind( 1:I, itemdiff )
mod1 <- TAM::tam.mml( dat, xsi.fixed=xsi.fixed, Y=X)
# draw plausible values
res1a <- TAM::tam.pv( mod1, normal.approx=TRUE, ntheta=200, samp.regr=TRUE)
# create list of multiply imputed datasets
datlist1a <- TAM::tampv2datalist( res1a, Y=X )
imp1a <- miceadds::datalist2mids( datlist1a )
# fit linear model
# linear regression with measurement errors in X
lavmodel <- "
PV.Dim1 ~ X1 + X2true
X2true=~ 1*X2
X2 ~~ 0.3*X2 #=var.err
PV.Dim1 ~~ PV.Dim1
X2true ~~ X2true
mod1a <- semTools::lavaan.mi( lavmodel, datlist1a)
summary(mod1a, standardized=TRUE, rsquare=TRUE)
#*** Model 2: latent regression model with error-prone covariates X.err
mod2 <- TAM::tam.mml( dat, xsi.fixed=xsi.fixed, Y=X.err)
#*** Model 3: Adjustment of covariates
cov.X.err <- cov( X.err )
# matrix of variance of measurement errors
measerr <- diag( c(0,var.err) )
# true covariance matrix
cov.X <- cov.X.err - measerr
# mean of X.err
mu <- colMeans(X.err)
muM <- matrix( mu, nrow=nrow(X.err), ncol=ncol(X.err), byrow=TRUE)
# reliability matrix
W <- solve( cov.X.err ) %*% cov.X
ident <- diag(2)
# adjusted scores of X
X.adj <- ( X.err - muM ) %*% W + muM %*% ( ident - W )
# fit latent regression model
mod3 <- TAM::tam.mml( dat, xsi.fixed=xsi.fixed, Y=X.adj)
# draw plausible values
res3a <- TAM::tam.pv( mod3, normal.approx=TRUE, ntheta=200, samp.regr=TRUE)
# create list of multiply imputed datasets
#*** PV dataset 1
# datalist with error-prone covariates
datlist3a <- TAM::tampv2datalist( res3a, Y=X.err )
# datalist with adjusted covariates
datlist3b <- TAM::tampv2datalist( res3a, Y=X.adj )
# linear regression with measurement errors in X
lavmodel <- "
PV.Dim1 ~ X1 + X2true
X2true=~ 1*X2
X2 ~~ 0.3*X2 #=var.err
PV.Dim1 ~~ PV.Dim1
X2true ~~ X2true
mod3a <- semTools::lavaan.mi( lavmodel, datlist3a)
summary(mod3a, standardized=TRUE, rsquare=TRUE)
lavmodel <- "
PV.Dim1 ~ X1 + X2
PV.Dim1 ~~ PV.Dim1
mod3b <- semTools::lavaan.mi( lavmodel, datlist3b)
summary(mod3b, standardized=TRUE, rsquare=TRUE)
#=> mod3b leads to the correct estimate.
# plausible value imputation for abilities and error-prone
# covariates using the mice package
# creating the likelihood for plausible value for abilities
mod11 <- TAM::tam.mml( dat, xsi.fixed=xsi.fixed )
likePV <- IRT.likelihood(mod11)
# creating the likelihood for error-prone covariate X2
lavmodel <- "
X2true=~ 1*X2
X2 ~~ 0.3*X2
mod12 <- lavaan::cfa( lavmodel, data=as.data.frame(X.err) )
likeX2 <- TAM::IRTLikelihood.cfa( data=X.err, cfaobj=mod12)
#-- create data input for mice package
data <- data.frame( "PVA"=NA, "X1"=X[,1], "X2"=NA )
vars <- colnames(data)
V <- length(vars)
predictorMatrix <- 1 - diag(V)
rownames(predictorMatrix) <- colnames(predictorMatrix) <- vars
imputationMethod <- rep("norm", V )
names(imputationMethod) <- vars
imputationMethod[c("PVA","X2")] <- "2l.plausible.values"
#-- create argument lists for plausible value imputation
# likelihood and theta grid of plausible value derived from IRT model
like <- list( "PVA"=likePV, "X2"=likeX2 )
theta <- list( "PVA"=attr(likePV,"theta"),
"X2"=attr(likeX2, "theta") )
#-- initial imputations
data.init <- data
data.init$PVA <- mod11$person$EAP
data.init$X2 <- X.err[,"X2"]
#-- imputation using the mice and miceadds package
imp1 <- mice::mice( as.matrix(data), predictorMatrix=predictorMatrix, m=4, maxit=6,
imputationMethod=imputationMethod, allow.na=TRUE,
theta=theta, like=like, data.init=data.init )
# compute linear regression
mod4a <- with( imp1, stats::lm( PVA ~ X1 + X2 ) )
summary( mice::pool(mod4a) )
# }
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