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gtsummary (version 1.2.1)

tbl_uvregression: Display univariate regression model results in table


The tbl_uvregression function arguments are similar to the tbl_regression arguments. Review the tbl_uvregression vignette for detailed examples.


tbl_uvregression(data, method, y, method.args = NULL,
  formula = "{y} ~ {x}", exponentiate = FALSE, label = NULL,
  hide_n = FALSE, show_yesno = NULL, conf.level = NULL,
  estimate_fun = NULL, pvalue_fun = NULL)



Data frame to be used in univariate regression modeling. Data frame includes the outcome variable(s) and the independent variables.


Regression method (e.g. lm, glm, survival::coxph, and more).


Model outcome (e.g. y = recurrence or y = Surv(time, recur))


List of additional arguments passed on to the regression function defined by method.


String of the model formula. Uses glue::glue syntax. Default is "{y} ~ {x}", where {y} is the dependent variable, and {x} represents a single covariate. For a random intercept model, the formula may be formula = "{y} ~ {x} + (1 | gear)".


Logical indicating whether to exponentiate the coefficient estimates. Default is FALSE.


List of formulas specifying variables labels, e.g. list("age" ~ "Age, yrs", "ptstage" ~ "Path T Stage")


Hide N column. Default is FALSE


By default yes/no categorical variables are printed on a single row, when the 'No' category is the reference group. To print both levels in the output table, include the variable name in the show_yesno vector, e.g. `show_yesno = c("var1", "var2")``


Must be strictly greater than 0 and less than 1. Defaults to 0.95, which corresponds to a 95 percent confidence interval.


Function to round and format coefficient estimates. Default is style_sigfig when the coefficients are not transformed, and style_ratio when the coefficients have been exponentiated.


Function to round and format p-values. Default is style_pvalue. The function must have a numeric vector input (the numeric, exact p-value), and return a string that is the rounded/formatted p-value (e.g. pvalue_fun = function(x) style_pvalue(x, digits = 2) or equivalently, purrr::partial(style_pvalue, digits = 2)).


A tbl_uvregression object

Setting Defaults

If you like to consistently use a different function to format p-values or estimates, you can set options in the script or in the user- or project-level startup file, '.Rprofile'. The default confidence level can also be set. Please note the default option for the estimate is the same as it is for tbl_regression().

  • options(gtsummary.pvalue_fun = new_function)

  • options(gtsummary.tbl_regression.estimate_fun = new_function)

  • options(gtsummary.conf.level = 0.90)

Example Output

Example 1

Example 2

See Also

See tbl_regression vignette for detailed examples

Other tbl_uvregression tools: add_global_p.tbl_uvregression, add_nevent.tbl_uvregression, add_q.tbl_uvregression, bold_italicize_labels_levels, bold_p.tbl_stack, bold_p.tbl_uvregression, inline_text.tbl_uvregression, modify_header, sort_p.tbl_uvregression, tbl_merge, tbl_stack


Run this code
tbl_uv_ex1 <-
    trial %>% dplyr::select(response, age, grade),
    method = glm,
    y = response,
    method.args = list(family = binomial),
    exponentiate = TRUE

# rounding pvalues to 2 decimal places
tbl_uv_ex2 <-
    trial %>% dplyr::select(ttdeath, death, age, grade, response),
    method = coxph,
    y = Surv(ttdeath, death),
    label = list(vars(grade) ~ "Grade"),
    exponentiate = TRUE,
    pvalue_fun = function(x) style_pvalue(x, digits = 2)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab