require( npsf )
# Prepare data and matrices
data( pwt56 )
head( pwt56 )
# Create some missing values
pwt56 [49, "K"] <- NA # create missing
Y1 <- as.matrix ( pwt56[ pwt56$year == 1965, c("Y"), drop = FALSE] )
X1 <- as.matrix ( pwt56[ pwt56$year == 1965, c("K", "L"), drop = FALSE] )
X1 [51, 2] <- NA # create missing
X1 [49, 1] <- NA # create missing
data( ccr81 )
head( ccr81 )
# Create some missing values
ccr81 [64, "x4"] <- NA # create missing
ccr81 [68, "y2"] <- NA # create missing
Y2 <- as.matrix( ccr81[ , c("y1", "y2", "y3"), drop = FALSE] )
X2 <- as.matrix( ccr81[ , c("x1", "x2", "x3", "x4", "x5"), drop = FALSE] )
# Computing without reference set
# Using formula
# Country is a categorical variable, so nonradial gives error message
# t1 <- teradial ( Country ~ K + L, data = pwt56 )
# for computing the efficiencies of countries in 1965
# with technology reference set is defined by observations in 1965
# (that same sample of countries)
t2 <- teradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, rts = "v",
base = "in", print.level = 2)
# Using a subset
t3 <- teradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = year == 1965,
rts = "VRS", base = "in", print.level = 3, intensity = TRUE )
# VRS constraint is satisfied, which is easy to varify
# by checking the sums of intensity variables
# to obtain peers create a list that will contain order numers of peers
t3.peers <- list()
# now fill this list
for(i in seq.int(sum(t3$esample))){
t3.peers[[i]] <- which( t3$intensity[i,] != 0 )
t4 <- teradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = Nu < 10,
rts = "vrs", base = "I" )
t5 <- teradial ( Y ~ L, data = pwt56, subset = Nu < 10, rts = "v" )
# Multiple outputs
t8 <- teradial ( y1 + y2 + y3 ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, data = ccr81,
rts = "v", base = "i" )
# Using a subset
t7 <- teradial ( y1 + y2 + y3 ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, data = ccr81,
subset = x5 != 22, rts = "n", base = "o" )
# Computation using matrices
t9 <- teradial ( Y1 ~ X1, rts = "v", base = "i" )
# Define subsets on a fly
t10 <- teradial ( Y1[-1,] ~ X1[-2,1] )
t11 <- teradial ( Y1[-3,] ~ X1[-1,], rts = "v", base = "o" )
# Multiple outputs
t12 <- teradial ( Y2 ~ X2 )
t13 <- teradial ( Y2[-66,] ~ X2[-1, -c(1,3)] )
# Computing with reference set
# Using formula
# For computing the efficiencies of countries with order number
# less than 10 with technology reference set defined by countries
# with order number larger than 10 and smaller than 11 (in effect
# no reference set, hence warning) type
t14 <- teradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = Nu < 10,
ref = Y ~ K + L, data.ref = pwt56,
subset.ref = Nu > 10 & Nu < 11 ) # warning
# For computing the efficiencies of countries with order number
# less than 10 with technology reference set defined by countries
# with order number larger than 10 and smaller than 15 type
t15 <- teradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = Nu < 10, ref = Y ~ K + L,
data.ref = pwt56, subset.ref = Nu > 10 & Nu < 15 )
# For computing the efficiencies of countries in 1965
# with technology reference set is defined by observations in both
# 1965 and 1990 (all) type
t16 <- teradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = year == 1965,
rts = "v", base = "i",
ref = Y ~ K + L, data.ref = pwt56 )
# For computing the efficiencies of countries in 1990
# with technology reference set is defined by observations in 1965
# type
t17 <- teradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = year == 1990,
ref = Y ~ K + L, data.ref = pwt56, subset.ref = year == 1965 )
# Using matrices
t18 <- teradial ( Y1[-1,] ~ X1[-2,], ref = Y1[-2,] ~ X1[-1,] )
# error: not equal number of observations in outputs and inputs
# t19 <- teradial ( Y1[-1,] ~ X1[-(1:2),],
# ref = Y1[-2,] ~ X1[-1,1] )
# Combined formula and matrix
# error: not equal number of inputs in data and reference set
# t20 <- teradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = Nu < 10,
# ref = Y1[-2,] ~ X1[-1,1] )
t21 <- teradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = Nu < 10,
ref = Y1[-2,] ~ X1[-1,] )
# }
# Really large data-set
# This will take some time depending on computer power
t22 <- teradial ( Y ~ K + L + M, data = usmanuf,
subset = year >= 1995 & year <= 2000 )
# Summary
summary ( t22$te )
# Write efficiencies to the data frame:
usmanuf$te_nonrad_crs_out[ t22$esample ] <- t22$te
head(usmanuf, 17)
# }
# }
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