objectsThese are the primary methods for obtaining numerical or tabular results
from an emmGrid
is the general function for summarizing emmGrid
It also serves as the print method for these objects; so for convenience,
arguments may be included in calls to functions such as
and contrast
that construct emmGrid
objects. Note that by default, summaries for Bayesian models are
diverted to hpd.summary
# S3 method for emmGrid
summary(object, infer, level, adjust, by, type, df, null,
delta, side, frequentist, bias.adjust = get_emm_option("back.bias.adj"),
sigma, ...)# S3 method for emmGrid
predict(object, type, interval = c("none", "confidence",
"prediction"), level = 0.95,
bias.adjust = get_emm_option("back.bias.adj"), sigma, ...)
# S3 method for emmGrid
as.data.frame(x, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...)
# S3 method for summary_emm
[(x, ..., as.df = TRUE)
# S3 method for emmGrid
confint(object, parm, level = 0.95, ...)
test(object, null, ...)
# S3 method for emmGrid
test(object, null = 0, joint = FALSE, verbose = FALSE,
rows, by, status = FALSE, ...)
An object of class "emmGrid"
(see emmGrid-class)
A vector of one or two logical values. The first determines whether confidence intervals are displayed, and the second determines whether t tests and P values are displayed. If only one value is provided, it is used for both.
Numerical value between 0 and 1. Confidence level for confidence
intervals, if infer[1]
Character value naming the method used to adjust \(p\) values
or confidence limits; or to adjust comparison arrows in plot
. See
the P-value adjustments section below.
Character name(s) of variables to use for grouping into separate tables. This affects the family of tests considered in adjusted P values.
Character: type of prediction desired. This only has an effect if
there is a known transformation or link function. "response"
specifies that the inverse transformation be applied. "mu"
equivalently, "unlink"
) is usually the same as "response"
but in the case where the model has both a link function and a response
transformation, only the link part is back-transformed. Other valid values
are "link"
, "lp"
, and "linear.predictor"
; these are
equivalent, and request that results be shown for the linear predictor,
with no back-transformation. The default is "link"
, unless the
option is in force; see emm_options
and also the section below on transformations and links.
Numeric. If non-missing, a constant number of degrees of freedom to
use in constructing confidence intervals and P values (NA
specifies asymptotic results).
Numeric. Null hypothesis value(s), on the linear-predictor scale,
against which estimates are tested. May be a single value used for all, or
a numeric vector of length equal to the number of tests in each family
(i.e., by
group in the displayed table).
Numeric value (on the linear-predictor scale). If zero, ordinary
tests of significance are performed. If positive, this specifies a
threshold for testing equivalence (using the TOST or two-one-sided-test
method), non-inferiority, or non-superiority, depending on side
. See
Details for how the test statistics are defined.
Numeric or character value specifying whether the test is
left-tailed (-1
, "-"
, code"<", "left"
, or
); right-tailed (1
, "+"
, ">"
, or "noninferiority"
); or two-sided (0
, "!="
, "two-sided"
, "both"
, or "="
). See the special section below for
more details.
Ignored except if a Bayesian model was fitted. If missing
, the object is passed to hpd.summary
. Otherwise,
a logical value of TRUE
will have it return a frequentist summary.
Logical value for whether to adjust for bias in
back-transforming (type = "response"
). This requires a value of
to exist in the object or be specified.
Error SD assumed for bias correction (when
type = "response"
and a transformation
is in effect), or for constructing prediction intervals. If not specified,
is used, and an error is thrown if it is not found.
Note: sigma
may be a vector, as long as it conforms to the number of rows
of the reference grid.
Optional arguments such as scheffe.rank
(see “P-value adjustments”).
In as.data.frame.emmGrid
, confint.emmGrid
, and
, these arguments are passed to
Type of interval desired (partial matching is allowed):
for no intervals,
otherwise confidence or prediction intervals with given arguments,
via confint.emmGrid
object of the given class
passed to as.data.frame
passed to as.data.frame
Logical value. With x[..., as.df = TRUE]
, the result is
object is coerced to an ordinary data.frame
; otherwise, it is left as a
(Required argument for confint
methods, but not used)
Logical value. If FALSE
, the arguments are passed to
with infer=c(FALSE, TRUE)
. If joint =
, a joint test of the hypothesis L beta = null is performed, where L
is object@linfct
and beta is the vector of fixed effects estimated
by object@betahat
. This will be either an F test or a
chi-square (Wald) test depending on whether degrees of freedom are
available. See also joint_tests
Logical value. If TRUE
and joint = TRUE
, a table
of the effects being tested is printed.
Integer values. The rows of L to be tested in the joint test. If
missing, all rows of L are used. If not missing, by
variables are
logical. If TRUE
, a note
column showing status
flags (for rank deficiencies and estimability issues) is displayed even
when empty. If FALSE
, the column is included only if there are
such issues.
, confint.emmGrid
, and
return an object of class "summary_emm"
, which
is an extension of data.frame
but with a special print
method that displays it with custom formatting. For models fitted using
MCMC methods, the call is diverted to hpd.summary
set to level
, if specified); one may
alternatively use general MCMC summarization tools with the
results of as.mcmc
returns a vector of predictions for each row of object@grid
The as.data.frame
method returns a plain data frame,
equivalent to as.data.frame(summary(.))
The misc
slot in object
contains default values for
, infer
, level
, adjust
, type
, side
, and delta
. These defaults vary depending
on the code that created the object. The update
method may be
used to change these defaults. In addition, any options set using
emm_options(summary = ...) will trump those stored in the object's
With type = "response"
, the transformation assumed can be found in
object@misc$tran, and its label, for the summary is in
object@misc$inv.lbl. Any \(t\) or \(z\) tests are still performed
on the scale of the linear predictor, not the inverse-transformed one.
Similarly, confidence intervals are computed on the linear-predictor scale,
then inverse-transformed.
When bias.adjust
, then back-transformed estimates
are adjusted by adding
\(0.5 h''(u)\sigma^2\), where \(h\) is the inverse transformation and
\(u\) is the linear predictor. This is based on a second-order Taylor
expansion. There are better or exact adjustments for certain specific
cases, and these may be incorporated in future updates.
The adjust
argument specifies a multiplicity adjustment for tests or
confidence intervals. This adjustment always is applied separately
to each table or sub-table that you see in the printed output (see
for how to combine tables).
The valid values of adjust
are as follows:
Uses the Studentized range distribution with the number of means in the family. (Available for two-sided cases only.)
Computes \(p\) values from the \(F\)
distribution, according to the Scheffe critical value of
\(\sqrt{rF(\alpha; r, d)}\), where \(d\) is
the error degrees of freedom and \(r\) is the rank of the set of linear
functions under consideration. By default, the value of r
computed from object@linfct
for each by group; however, if the
user specifies an argument matching scheffe.rank
, its value will
be used instead. Ordinarily, if there are \(k\) means involved, then
\(r = k - 1\) for a full set of contrasts involving all \(k\) means, and
\(r = k\) for the means themselves. (The Scheffe adjustment is available
for two-sided cases only.)
Makes adjustments as if the estimates were independent (a conservative adjustment in many cases).
Multiplies \(p\) values, or divides significance levels by the number of estimates. This is a conservative adjustment.
Uses our ownad hoc approximation to the
Dunnett distribution for a family of estimates having pairwise
correlations of \(0.5\) (as is true when comparing treatments with a
control with equal sample sizes). The accuracy of the approximation
improves with the number of simultaneous estimates, and is much faster
than "mvt"
. (Available for two-sided cases only.)
Uses the multivariate \(t\) distribution to assess the
probability or critical value for the maximum of \(k\) estimates. This
method produces the same \(p\) values and intervals as the default
or confint
methods to the results of
. In the context of pairwise comparisons or comparisons
with a control, this produces “exact” Tukey or Dunnett adjustments,
respectively. However, the algorithm (from the mvtnorm package) uses a
Monte Carlo method, so results are not exactly repeatable unless the same
random-number seed is used (see set.seed
). As the family
size increases, the required computation time will become noticeable or even
intolerable, making the "tukey"
, "dunnettx"
, or others more
Makes no adjustments to the \(p\) values.
For tests, not confidence intervals, the Bonferroni-inequality-based adjustment
methods in p.adjust
are also available (currently, these
include "holm"
, "hochberg"
, "hommel"
, "BH"
, "BY"
, "fdr"
, and
). If a p.adjust.methods
method other than
or "none"
is specified for confidence limits, the
straight Bonferroni adjustment is used instead. Also, if an adjustment method
is not appropriate (e.g., using "tukey"
with one-sided tests, or with
results that are not pairwise comparisons), a more appropriate method
(usually "sidak"
) is substituted.
In some cases, confidence and \(p\)-value adjustments are only approximate
-- especially when the degrees of freedom or standard errors vary greatly
within the family of tests. The "mvt"
method is always the correct
one-step adjustment, but it can be very slow. One may use
with methods in the multcomp package to obtain
non-conservative multi-step adjustments to tests.
When delta = 0
, test statistics are of the usual form
(estimate - null)/SE, or notationally, \(t = (Q - \theta_0)/SE\)
where \(Q\) is our estimate of \(\theta\);
then left, right, or two-sided \(p\) values are produced.
When delta
is positive, the test statistic depends on side
\(H_0: \theta \ge \theta_0 + \delta\) versus \(H_1: \theta < \theta_0 + \delta\) \(t = (Q - \theta_0 - \delta)/SE\) The \(p\) value is the lower-tail probability.
\(H_0: \theta \le \theta_0 - \delta\) versus \(H_1: \theta > \theta_0 - \delta\) \(t = (Q - \theta_0 + \delta)/SE\) The \(p\) value is the upper-tail probability.
\(H_0: |\theta - \theta_0| \ge \delta\) versus \(H_1: |\theta - \theta_0| < \delta\) \(t = (|Q - \theta_0| - \delta)/SE\) The \(p\) value is the lower-tail probability.
When the model is rank-deficient, each row x
of object
slot is checked for estimability. If sum(x*bhat)
is found to be non-estimable, then the string NonEst
is displayed for the
estimate, and associated statistics are set to NA
The estimability check is performed
using the orthonormal basis N
in the nbasis
slot for the null
space of the rows of the model matrix. Estimability fails when
\(||Nx||^2 / ||x||^2\) exceeds tol
, which by default is
. You may change it via emm_options
by setting
to the desired value.
A growing consensus in the statistical and scientific community is that the term “statistical significance” should be completely abandoned, and that criteria such as “p < 0.05” never be used to assess the importance of an effect. These practices are just too misleading and prone to abuse. See the “basics” vignette for more discussion.
is equivalent to summary.emmGrid with
infer = c(TRUE, FALSE)
. When called with joint = FALSE
, test.emmGrid
is equivalent to summary.emmGrid
with infer = c(FALSE, TRUE)
With joint = TRUE
, test.emmGrid
calculates the Wald test of the
hypothesis linfct %*% bhat = null
, where linfct
refer to slots in object
(possibly subsetted according to
or rows
). An error is thrown if any row of linfct
non-estimable. It is permissible for the rows of linfct
to be linearly
dependent, as long as null == 0
, in which case a reduced set of
contrasts is tested. Linear dependence and nonzero null
cause an
warp.lm <- lm(breaks ~ wool * tension, data = warpbreaks)
warp.emm <- emmeans(warp.lm, ~ tension | wool)
warp.emm # implicitly runs 'summary'
confint(warp.emm, by = NULL, level = .90)
# --------------------------------------------------------------
pigs.lm <- lm(log(conc) ~ source + factor(percent), data = pigs)
pigs.emm <- emmeans(pigs.lm, "percent", type = "response")
summary(pigs.emm) # (inherits type = "response")
# For which percents is EMM non-inferior to 35, based on a 10% threshold?
# Note the test is done on the log scale even though we have type = "response"
test(pigs.emm, null = log(35), delta = log(1.10), side = ">")
con <- contrast(pigs.emm, "consec")
test(con, joint = TRUE)
# default Scheffe adjustment - rank = 3
summary(con, infer = c(TRUE, TRUE), adjust = "scheffe")
# Consider as some of many possible contrasts among the six cell means
summary(con, infer = c(TRUE, TRUE), adjust = "scheffe", scheffe.rank = 5)
# }
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