# Part of the example "defaultObjects" of demo:
# Edit the following to meet your needs:
# - Change the name "your.Model"
# - Work out how the get names, types and edges from your model object.
# - At "message", insert the relevant code for testing and modifying the model.
# - The slots visibleVertices, visibleBlocks, extraVertices, edges,
# blockEdges, factorVertices, factorEdges should be eliminated,
# and you should in "graphEdges" return relevant lists.
representation(name = "character",
dg = "dg.graphedges"))
# "newDefaultModelObject"<-
# function(name)
# {
# result <- new("your.Model", name = name, dg = new("dg.graphedges"))
# return(result)
# }
setMethod("setSlots", "your.Model",
function(object, arguments) {
for (i in seq(along = arguments)) {
name <- names(arguments)[i]
if (is.element(name, slotNames(object)))
slot(object, name) <- arguments[[i]]
message(paste("Argument '", name, "' not valid slot of '",
class(object), "', thus ignored.",
sep = "")) }
setMethod("initialize", "your.Model",
function(.Object, ...) {
# print(c("initialize", "your.Model", class(.Object)))
Args <- list(...)
.Object <- setSlots(.Object, Args)
setMethod("graphEdges", "your.Model",
function(object, viewType = NULL, ...)
{ # print(viewType); print ("graphEdges")
dots <- list(...)
localArguments <- dots$Arguments
Vertices <- localArguments$vertexList
Edges <- object@dg@edgeList
VisibleVertices <- object@dg@visibleVertices
if (viewType == "Factor") {
factors <- .cliquesFromEdges(Edges, Vertices, VisibleVertices)
# print(factors)
if (is.null(factors) || (length(factors) == 0)) {
FactorVertices <- new("dg.FactorVertexList")
FactorEdges <- new("dg.FactorEdgeList")
} else {
result <- returnFactorVerticesAndEdges(Vertices, factors)
FactorVertices <- result$FactorVertices
FactorEdges <- result$FactorEdges
viewType = viewType,
oriented = object@dg@oriented,
edgeList = object@dg@edgeList,
blockEdgeList = object@dg@blockEdgeList,
factorVertexList = FactorVertices,
factorEdgeList = FactorEdges,
visibleVertices = object@dg@visibleVertices,
visibleBlocks = object@dg@visibleBlocks,
extraList = object@dg@extraList,
extraEdgeList = object@dg@extraEdgeList)
} else if (viewType == "Moral") {
message("Moral view not implemented; ")
viewType = viewType,
oriented = object@dg@oriented,
edgeList = object@dg@edgeList,
# blockEdgeList = new("dg.BlockEdgeList"),
# factorVertexList = new("dg.FactorVertexList"),
# factorEdgeList = new("dg.FactorEdgeList"),
visibleVertices = object@dg@visibleVertices,
visibleBlocks = numeric(),
extraList = object@dg@extraList,
extraEdgeList = object@dg@extraEdgeList)
} else if (viewType == "Essential") {
message("Essential view not implemented; ")
viewType = viewType,
oriented = object@dg@oriented,
edgeList = object@dg@edgeList,
# blockEdgeList = new("dg.BlockEdgeList"),
# factorVertexList = new("dg.FactorVertexList"),
# factorEdgeList = new("dg.FactorEdgeList"),
visibleVertices = object@dg@visibleVertices,
visibleBlocks = numeric(),
extraList = object@dg@extraList,
extraEdgeList = object@dg@extraEdgeList)
} else if (viewType == "Simple") {
viewType = viewType,
oriented = object@dg@oriented,
edgeList = object@dg@edgeList,
blockEdgeList = object@dg@blockEdgeList,
# factorVertexList = new("dg.FactorVertexList"),
# factorEdgeList = new("dg.FactorEdgeList"),
visibleVertices = object@dg@visibleVertices,
visibleBlocks = object@dg@visibleBlocks,
extraList = object@dg@extraList,
extraEdgeList = object@dg@extraEdgeList)
} else
message("View type not implemented; ")
setMethod("setGraphEdges", signature(object = "your.Model"),
function(object, dg = NULL, ...)
if (!is.null(dg)) object@dg <- dg
setMethod("dg", signature(object = "your.Model"),
modelObject = NULL,
modelObjectName = NULL,
control = dg.control(...),
Names <- Your.function.for.extracting.variable.names.from.object(
object = object)
Types <- Your.function.for.extracting.variable.types.from.object(
object = object)
Edges <- Your.function.for.extracting.variable.edges.from.object(
object = object)
simpleGraph <- new("dg.simple.graph", vertex.names = Names,
types = Types, # edge.list = Edges,
from = Edges[,1], to = Edges[,2])
graph <- simpleGraphToGraph(simpleGraph)
dg(graph, object = object, ...)
setMethod("testEdge", signature(object = "your.Model"),
function(object, action, name.1, name.2, ...)
dots <- list(...)
from.type <- dots$from.type
to.type <- dots$to.type
f <- function(type) if(is.null(type)) "" else paste("(", type, ")")
message(paste("Should return an object with the edge from",
name.1, f(from.type), "to", name.2, f(to.type),
"deleted from the argument object"))
return(new("your.Test", name = "TestObject"))
setMethod("modifyModel", signature(object = "your.Model"),
function(object, action, name, name.1, name.2, ...)
dots <- list(...)
localArguments <- dots$Arguments
Edges <- dots$newEdges$vertexEdges
Vertices <- localArguments$vertexList
viewType <- "Simple"
DoFactors <- FALSE
if (!is.null(dots$Arguments)
&& !is.null(dots$Arguments$factorVertexList)
&& (length(dots$Arguments$factorVertexList) > 0)
&& !is.null(dots$Arguments$vertexList))
DoFactors <- TRUE
if (DoFactors)
viewType <- "Factor"
# print(names(dots))
# str(dots)
# print(names(localArguments))
# print(localArguments$visibleVertices)
# str(localArguments$selectedNodes)
# if (length(dots$selectedNodes) > 0)
# str(dots$selectedNodes)
# str(localArguments$selectedEdges)
# if (length(dots$selectedEdges) > 0)
# str(dots$selectedEdges)
FactorVertices <- new("dg.FactorVertexList")
FactorEdges <- new("dg.FactorEdgeList")
BlockEdges <- new("dg.BlockEdgeList")
VisibleVertices <- localArguments$visibleVertices
VisibleBlocks <- localArguments$visibleBlocks
ExtraVertices <- new("dg.VertexList")
ExtraEdges <- new("dg.ExtraEdgeList")
f <- function(type) if (is.null(type)) "" else paste("(", type, ")")
g <- function(type) if (is.null(type)) "" else type
if (action == "dropEdge") {
message(paste("Should return an object with the edge from",
name.1, f(dots$from.type), "to", name.2, f(dots$to.type),
"deleted from the argument object"))
if ((g(dots$from.type) == "Factor") || (g(dots$from.type) == "Factor"))
} else if (action == "addEdge") {
message(paste("Should return an object with the edge from",
name.1, f(dots$from.type), "to", name.2, f(dots$to.type),
"added to the argument object"))
if ((g(dots$from.type) == "Factor") || (g(dots$from.type) == "Factor"))
} else if (action == "dropVertex") {
message(paste("Should return an object with the vertex",
name, f(dots$type),
"deleted from the argument object"))
if ((g(dots$type) == "Factor"))
VisibleVertices <- VisibleVertices[VisibleVertices != dots$index]
if (DoFactors && (dots$index > 0)) {
x <- (localArguments$factorVertexList)
factors <- lapply(x, function(i) i@vertex.indices)
types <- lapply(x, function(i) class(i))
factors <- lapply(factors,
function(x) {
y <- x[x != dots$index]
if (length(y) > 0) return(y) else return(NULL) } )
if (!is.null(factors)) {
types <- types[unlist(lapply(factors, function(i) !is.null(i)))]
factors <- .removeNull(factors)
if (!is.null(factors)) {
subset <- function(x)
lapply(x, function(a)
all(!is.na(match(a, A))) &&
(length(a) < length(A))))))
s <- subset(factors)
types <- types[!unlist(s)]
factors <- factors[!unlist(s)]
if (!(is.null(factors))) {
result <- returnFactorVerticesAndEdges(
localArguments$vertexList, factors, types,
factorClasses = validFactorClasses())
FactorVertices <- result$FactorVertices
FactorEdges <- result$FactorEdges
} else {
DoFactors <- FALSE
FactorVertices <- new("dg.FactorVertexList")
FactorEdges <- new("dg.FactorEdgeList")
} else if (action == "addVertex") {
VisibleVertices <- c(VisibleVertices, dots$index)
message(paste("Should return an object with the vertex",
name, f(dots$type), dots$index,
"added to the argument object"))
if (DoFactors && (dots$index > 0)) {
x <- (localArguments$factorVertexList)
factors <- lapply(x, function(i) i@vertex.indices)
types <- lapply(x, function(i) class(i))
if (!is.null(factors))
factors <- .removeNull(factors)
if (is.null(factors)) {
factors <- list(dots$index)
types <- validFactorClasses()[1, 1]
} else {
n <- length(types)
factors <- append(factors, list(dots$index))
types <- append(types, types[n])
if (!(is.null(factors))) {
result <- returnFactorVerticesAndEdges(
localArguments$vertexList, factors, types,
factorClasses = validFactorClasses())
FactorVertices <- result$FactorVertices
FactorEdges <- result$FactorEdges
if (is.null(FactorVertices) && DoFactors && !is.null(Edges)) {
factors <- .cliquesFromEdges(Edges, Vertices, VisibleVertices)
if (is.null(factors) || (length(factors) == 0)) {
FactorVertices <- new("dg.FactorVertexList")
FactorEdges <- new("dg.FactorEdgeList")
} else {
result <- returnFactorVerticesAndEdges(Vertices, factors)
FactorVertices <- result$FactorVertices
FactorEdges <- result$FactorEdges
dg <- new("dg.graphedges",
edgeList = Edges,
viewType = viewType,
# oriented = oriented,
blockEdgeList = BlockEdges,
factorVertexList = FactorVertices,
factorEdgeList = FactorEdges,
visibleVertices = VisibleVertices,
visibleBlocks = VisibleBlocks,
extraList = ExtraVertices,
extraEdgeList = ExtraEdges)
".IsEmpty" <- function(x) {
if (is.null(x) || (length(x) == 0) ||
(length(x) == 1) && is.null(x[[1]]))
if (.IsEmpty(FactorEdges) && (viewType == "Factor")) {
object <- setGraphEdges(object, dg = dg)
graphContent <- graphEdges(object, viewType = viewType,
Arguments = localArguments)
dg <- graphContent
return(list(object = object, dg = dg))
setMethod("Str", "your.Model",
function(object, setRowLabels = FALSE, title = "", ...) {
message(object@name) })
new("your.Model", name = "YourModelObject")
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