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textstat_readability(x, measure = c("all", "ARI", "ARI.simple", "Bormuth",
"Bormuth.GP", "Coleman", "Coleman.C2", "Coleman.Liau", "Coleman.Liau.grade",
"Coleman.Liau.short", "Dale.Chall", "Dale.Chall.old", "Dale.Chall.PSK",
"Danielson.Bryan", "Danielson.Bryan.2", "Dickes.Steiwer", "DRP", "ELF",
"Farr.Jenkins.Paterson", "Flesch", "Flesch.PSK", "Flesch.Kincaid", "FOG",
"FOG.PSK", "FOG.NRI", "FORCAST", "FORCAST.RGL", "Fucks", "Linsear.Write",
"LIW", "nWS", "nWS.2", "nWS.3", "nWS.4", "RIX", "Scrabble", "SMOG", "SMOG.C",
"SMOG.simple", "", "Spache", "Spache.old", "Strain",
"Traenkle.Bailer", "Traenkle.Bailer.2", "Wheeler.Smith", "meanSentenceLength",
"meanWordSyllables"), remove_hyphens = TRUE, min_sentence_length = 1,
max_sentence_length = 10000, drop = TRUE, ...)
, treat constituent words in hyphenated as
separate terms, for purposes of computing word lengths, e.g.
"decision-making" as two terms of lengths 8 and 6 characters respectively,
rather than as a single word of 15 charactersFor finer-grained control, consider filtering sentences prior first,
including through pattern-matching, using corpus_trimsentences
, the result is returned as a numeric vector if
only a single measure is requested; otherwise, a data.frame is returned
with each column consisting of a requested measure.txt <- c("Readability zero one. Ten, Eleven.", "The cat in a dilapidated tophat.")
textstat_readability(txt, "Flesch.Kincaid")
textstat_readability(txt, "Flesch.Kincaid", drop = FALSE)
textstat_readability(txt, c("FOG", "FOG.PSK", "FOG.NRI"))
inaugReadability <- textstat_readability(data_corpus_inaugural, "all")
round(cor(inaugReadability), 2)
textstat_readability(data_corpus_inaugural, measure = "Flesch.Kincaid")
inaugReadability <- textstat_readability(data_corpus_inaugural, "all")
round(cor(inaugReadability), 2)
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