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quanteda (version 0.9.9-65)

textstat_readability: calculate readability


Calculate the readability of text(s) using one of a variety of computed indexes.


textstat_readability(x, measure = c("all", "ARI", "ARI.simple", "Bormuth",
  "Bormuth.GP", "Coleman", "Coleman.C2", "Coleman.Liau", "Coleman.Liau.grade",
  "Coleman.Liau.short", "Dale.Chall", "Dale.Chall.old", "Dale.Chall.PSK",
  "Danielson.Bryan", "Danielson.Bryan.2", "Dickes.Steiwer", "DRP", "ELF",
  "Farr.Jenkins.Paterson", "Flesch", "Flesch.PSK", "Flesch.Kincaid", "FOG",
  "FOG.PSK", "FOG.NRI", "FORCAST", "FORCAST.RGL", "Fucks", "Linsear.Write",
  "LIW", "nWS", "nWS.2", "nWS.3", "nWS.4", "RIX", "Scrabble", "SMOG", "SMOG.C",
  "SMOG.simple",      "SMOG.de", "Spache", "Spache.old", "Strain",
  "Traenkle.Bailer", "Traenkle.Bailer.2", "Wheeler.Smith", "meanSentenceLength",
  "meanWordSyllables"), remove_hyphens = TRUE, min_sentence_length = 1,
  max_sentence_length = 10000, drop = TRUE, ...)



a character or corpus object containing the texts


character vector defining the readability measure to calculate


if TRUE, treat constituent words in hyphenated as separate terms, for purposes of computing word lengths, e.g. "decision-making" as two terms of lengths 8 and 6 characters respectively, rather than as a single word of 15 characters

min_sentence_length, max_sentence_length

set the minimum and maximum sentence lengths (in tokens, excluding punctuation) to include in the computation of readability. This makes it easy to exclude "sentences" that may not really be sentences, such as section titles, table elements, and other cruft that might be in the texts following conversion.

For finer-grained control, consider filtering sentences prior first, including through pattern-matching, using corpus_trim.


if TRUE, the result is returned as a numeric vector if only a single measure is requested; otherwise, a data.frame is returned with each column consisting of a requested measure.


not used


a data.frame object consisting of the documents as rows, and the readability statistics as columns


Run this code
txt <- c("Readability zero one.  Ten, Eleven.", "The cat in a dilapidated tophat.")
textstat_readability(txt, "Flesch.Kincaid")
textstat_readability(txt, "Flesch.Kincaid", drop = FALSE)
textstat_readability(txt, c("FOG", "FOG.PSK", "FOG.NRI"))
inaugReadability <- textstat_readability(data_corpus_inaugural, "all")
round(cor(inaugReadability), 2)

textstat_readability(data_corpus_inaugural, measure = "Flesch.Kincaid")
inaugReadability <- textstat_readability(data_corpus_inaugural, "all")
round(cor(inaugReadability), 2)
# }

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