Obtain hierarchical color palettes, either the so-called Tree Colors from the HCL color space model, or by using an existing color palette. The former method, which is recommended, is used by default in treemap
(type "index"
) and treegraph
. Use treecolors
to experiment with this method.
treepalette(dtf, index = names(dtf), method = "HCL", palette = NULL,
palette.HCL.options, return.parameters = TRUE, prepare.dat = TRUE)
a data.frame or data.table. Required.
the index variables of dtf
used method: either "HCL"
(recommended), which is based on the HCL color space model, or "HSV"
, which uses the argument palette
color palette, which is only used for the HSV method
list of options to obtain Tree Colors from the HCL space (when palette="HCL"
). This list contains:
:number between 0 and 360 that determines the starting hue value (default: 30)
:number between hue_start
and hue_start + 360
that determines the ending hue value (default: 390)
:boolean that determines whether the colors are permuted such that adjacent levels get more distinguishable colors. If FALSE
, then the colors are equally distributed from hue_start
to hue_end
(default: TRUE)
:boolean that determines whether the colors of even-numbered branched are reversed (to increase discrimination among branches)
:number between 0 and 1 that determines the fraction of the hue circle that is used for recursive color picking: if 1 then the full hue circle is used, which means that the hue of the colors of lower-level nodes are spread maximally. If 0, then the hue of the colors of lower-level nodes are identical of the hue of their parents. (default: .5)
:chroma value of colors of the first-level nodes, that are determined by the first index variable (default: 60)
:luminance value of colors of the first-level nodes, i.e. determined by the first index variable (default: 70)
:slope value for chroma of the non-first-level nodes. The chroma values for the second-level nodes are chroma+chroma_slope
, for the third-level nodes chroma+2*chroma_slope
, etc. (default: 5)
:slope value for luminance of the non-first-level nodes (default: -10)
For "depth" and "categorical" types, only the first two items are used. Use treecolors
to experiment with these parameters.
should a data.frame with color values and parameter options be returned (TRUE
), or just the vector of color values (FALSE
data is by default preprocessed, except for interal use
Either a vector of colors, or a data.frame is return (see return.parameters