Learn R Programming

lattice (version 0.22-6)

C_01_trellis.device: Initializing Trellis Displays


Initialization of a display device with appropriate graphical parameters.


trellis.device(device = getOption("device"),
               color = !(dev.name == "postscript"),
               theme = lattice.getOption("default.theme"),
               new = TRUE,
               retain = FALSE,


None; trellis.device is called for the side effect of opening a device and / or setting associated graphical parameters.



function (or the name of one as a character string) that starts a device. Admissible values depend on the platform and how R was compiled (see Devices), but usually "pdf", "postscript", "png", "jpeg" and at least one of "X11", "windows" and "quartz" will be available.


logical, whether the initial settings should be color or black and white. Defaults to FALSE for postscript devices, TRUE otherwise. Note that this only applies to the initial choice of colors, which can be overridden using theme or subsequent calls to trellis.par.set (and by arguments supplied directly in high level calls for some settings).


list of components that changes the settings of the device opened, or, a function that when called produces such a list. The function name can be supplied as a quoted string. These settings are only used to modify the default settings (determined by other arguments), and need not contain all possible parameters.

A possible use of this argument is to change the default settings by specifying lattice.options(default.theme = "col.whitebg"). For back-compatibility, this is initially (when lattice is loaded) set to getOption(lattice.theme).

If theme is a function, it will not be supplied any arguments, however, it is guaranteed that a device will already be open when it is called, so one may use .Device inside the function to ascertain what device has been opened.


logical flag indicating whether a new device should be started. If FALSE, the options for the current device are changed to the defaults determined by the other arguments.


logical. If TRUE and a setting for this device already exists, then that is used instead of the defaults for this device. By default, pre-existing settings are overwritten (and lost).


name of the device for which the setting is required, as returned by .Device


additional parameters to be passed to the device function, most commonly file for non-screen devices, as well as height, width, etc. See the help file for individual devices for admissible arguments.


Deepayan Sarkar Deepayan.Sarkar@R-project.org


The trellis.device function sets up an R graphics device for use with lattice graphics, by opening the device if necessary, and defining a set of associated graphical parameters (colors, line types, fonts, etc.).

Even if a device is opened without calling trellis.device, for example, by calling a device function directly, trellis.device is still called automatically when a "trellis" object is plotted. The default graphical settings used in this case can be customized using lattice.options. It is therefore rarely necessary for the user to call trellis.device explicitly.


Sarkar, Deepayan (2008) Lattice: Multivariate Data Visualization with R, Springer. http://lmdvr.r-forge.r-project.org/

See Also

Lattice for an overview of the lattice package.

Devices for valid choices of device on your platform.

standard.theme for the default theme and alternatives.