This function evaluates an expression passed in the expr
logs all conditions and executes the condition handlers passed in ...
(if any).
execution.context.msg = "",
finally = NULL,
write.error.dump.file = getOption("tryCatchLog.write.error.dump.file", FALSE),
write.error.dump.folder = getOption("tryCatchLog.write.error.dump.folder", "."),
silent.warnings = getOption("tryCatchLog.silent.warnings", FALSE),
silent.messages = getOption("tryCatchLog.silent.messages", FALSE), = getOption("", TRUE), = getOption("",
logged.conditions = getOption("tryCatchLog.logged.conditions", NULL)
R expression to be evaluated
condition handler functions (as in tryCatch
The following condition names are mainly used in R:
, warning
, message
and interrupt
A handler for user-defined conditions can be established for the
generic condition
super class.
All condition handlers are passed to tryCatch
as is
(no filtering, wrapping or changing of semantics).
a text identifier (eg. the PID or a variable value) that will be added to msg.text
for catched conditions. This makes it easier to identify the runtime state that caused
a condition esp. in parallel execution scenarios.
The value must be of length 1 and will be coerced to character.
Expressions are not allowed.
The added output has the form: {execution.context.msg: your_value}
expression to be evaluated at the end (after executing the expressiond and calling the matching handler).
: Saves a dump of the workspace and the call stack named
dump_<YYYYMMDD>_at_<HHMMSS.sss>_PID_<process id>.rda
This dump file name pattern shall ensure unique file names in parallel processing scenarios.
: Saves the dump of the workspace in a specific folder instead of the working directory
: Messages are logged, but not propagated to the caller.
: Messages are logged and propagated to the caller.
Flag of type logical
Shall the full call stack be included in the log output? Since the full
call stack may be very long and the compact call stack has enough details
normally the full call stack can be omitted by passing FALSE
The default value can be changed globally by setting the option
The full call stack can always be found via last.tryCatchLog.result
Flag of type logical
Shall the compact call stack (including only calls with source code references)
be included in the log output? Note: If you ommit both the full and compact
call stacks the message text will be output without call stacks.
The default value can be changed globally by setting the option
The compact call stack can always be found via last.tryCatchLog.result
: Conditions are not logged.
vector of strings
: Only conditions whose class name is contained in this vector are logged.
: All conditions are logged.
the value of the expression passed in as parameter "expr"
To avoid that too many dump files filling your disk space you should omit the write.error.dump.file
parameter and instead set its default value using the option tryCatchLog.write.error.dump.file
in your
.Rprofile file instead (or in a startup R script that sources your actual script).
In case of an error (that you can reproduce) you set the option to TRUE
and re-run your script.
Then you are able to examine the program state that led to the error by debugging the saved dump file.
To see the source code references (source file names and line numbers) in the stack traces you must
set this option before executing your code:
options(keep.source = TRUE)
You can execute your code as batch with Rscript
using this shell script command:
Rscript -e "options(keep.source = TRUE); source('my_main_function.R')"
The finally
expression is then always evaluated at the end.
Condition handlers work as in base R's tryCatch
Conditions are also logged including the function call stack with file names and line numbers (if available).
By default the maximum number of source code rows that are printed per call in the full stack trace
is 10. You can change this via the option
(see example).
This function shall overcome some drawbacks of the standard tryCatch
For more details see
If the package futile.logger is installed it will be used for writing logging output, otherwise an internal basic logging output function is used.
Before you call tryCatchLog
for the first time you should initialize
the logging framework you are using (e. g.futile.logger to control
the log output (log to console or file etc.):
library(futile.logger) flog.appender(appender.file("my_app.log")) flog.threshold(INFO) # TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL
If you are using the futile.logger package tryCatchLog
these log functions for the different R conditions to log them:
error -> flog.error
warning -> flog.warn
message ->
interrupt ->
`tryCatchLog` does log all conditions (incl. user-defined conditions).
Since the interrupt condition does not have an error message attribute tryCatchLog
uses "User-requested interrupt" as message in the logs.
The log contains the call stack with the file names and line numbers (if available).
R does track source code references of scripts only if you set the option keep.source
to TRUE via
options(keep.source = TRUE)
. Without this option this function cannot enrich source code references.
If you use Rscript
to start a non-interactive R script as batch job you
have to set this option since it is FALSE by default. You can add this option to your
.Rprofile file or use a startup R script that sets this option and sources your
actual R script then.
By default, most packages are built without source reference information.
Setting the environment variable R_KEEP_PKG_SOURCE=yes
before installing a source package
will tell R to keep the source references. You can also use options(keep.source.pkgs = TRUE)
before you install a package.
Setting the parameter tryCatchLog.write.error.dump.file
to TRUE allows a post-mortem analysis of the program state
that led to the error. The dump contains the workspace and in the variable "last.dump"
the call stack (sys.frames
). This feature is very helpful for non-interactive R scripts ("batches").
Setting the parameter tryCatchLog.write.error.dump.folder
to a specific path allows to save the dump in a specific folder.
If not set, the dump will be saved in the working directory.
To start a post-mortem analysis after an error open a new R session and enter:
load("dump_20161016_164050.rda") # replace the dump file name with your real file name
Note that the dump does not contain the loaded packages when the dump file was created and a dump loaded into memory does therefore not use exactly the same search path. This means:
the program state is not exactly reproducible if objects are stored within a package namespace
you cannot step through your source code in a reproducible way after loading the image if your source code calls functions of non-default packages
, limitedLabels
, set.logging.functions
, withCallingHandlers
, signalCondition
tryCatchLog(log(-1)) # logs a warning (logarithm of a negative number is not possible)
tryLog(log(-1), execution.context.msg = Sys.getpid())
# set and unset an option
options("tryCatchLog.write.error.dump.folder" = "my_log")
options("tryCatchLog.write.error.dump.folder" = NULL)
options( = 30)
# }
# Use case for "execution.context.msg" argument: Loops and parallel execution
library(foreach) # support parallel execution (requires an parallel execution plan)
options( = FALSE) # reduce the ouput for demo purposes
res <- foreach(i = 1:12) %dopar% {
tryCatchLog(log(10 - i), execution.context.msg = i)
# }
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