# Generate 15 observations from a normal distribution with parameters
# mean=3 and sd=1. Call these the observations from the reference group.
# Generate 10 observations from a normal distribution with parameters
# mean=3.5 and sd=1. Call these the observations from the treatment group.
# Compare the results of calling wilcox.test to those of calling
# twoSampleLinearRankTest with test="normal.scores".
# (The call to set.seed allows you to reproduce this example.)
x <- rnorm(15, mean = 3)
y <- rnorm(10, mean = 3.5)
wilcox.test(x, y)
#Results of Hypothesis Test
#Null Hypothesis: location shift = 0
#Alternative Hypothesis: True location shift is not equal to 0
#Test Name: Wilcoxon rank sum test
#Data: x and y
#Test Statistic: W = 32
#P-value: 0.0162759
twoSampleLinearRankTest(x, y, test = "normal.scores")
#Results of Hypothesis Test
#Null Hypothesis: Fy(t) = Fx(t)
#Alternative Hypothesis: Fy(t) != Fx(t) for at least one t
#Test Name: Two-Sample Linear Rank Test:
# Normal Scores Test
# Based on Normal Approximation
#Data: x = x
# y = y
#Sample Sizes: nx = 15
# ny = 10
#Test Statistic: z = -2.431099
#P-value: 0.01505308
# Clean up
rm(x, y)
# Following Example 6.6 on pages 6.22-6.26 of USEPA (1994b), perform the
# Wilcoxon Rank Sum test for the TcCB data (stored in EPA.94b.tccb.df).
# There are m=47 observations from the reference area and n=77 observations
# from the cleanup unit. Then compare the results using the other available
# linear rank tests. Note that Mood's median test yields a p-value less
# than 0.10, while the other tests yield non-significant p-values.
# In this case, Mood's median test is picking up the residual contamination
# in the cleanup unit. (See the example in the help file for quantileTest.)
#[1] "TcCB.orig" "TcCB" "Censored" "Area"
# Cleanup Reference
# 77 47
twoSampleLinearRankTest(TcCB[Area=="Cleanup"], TcCB[Area=="Reference"]))
#Results of Hypothesis Test
#Null Hypothesis: Fy(t) = Fx(t)
#Alternative Hypothesis: Fy(t) != Fx(t) for at least one t
#Test Name: Two-Sample Linear Rank Test:
# Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test
# Based on Normal Approximation
#Data: x = TcCB[Area == "Cleanup"]
# y = TcCB[Area == "Reference"]
#Sample Sizes: nx = 77
# ny = 47
#Test Statistic: z = -1.171872
#P-value: 0.2412485
TcCB[Area=="Reference"], test="normal.scores"))$p.value
#[1] 0.3399484
TcCB[Area=="Reference"], test="moods.median"))$p.value
#[1] 0.09707393
TcCB[Area=="Reference"], test="savage.scores"))$p.value
#[1] 0.2884351
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