This set of games are build around different types of nodes and simulating their interaction. The nature of their algorithm is described in detail at the linked igraph documentation.
play_preference(n, n_types, p_type = rep(1, n_types), p_pref = matrix(1,
n_types, n_types), fixed = FALSE, directed = TRUE, loops = FALSE)play_preference_asym(n, n_types, p_type = matrix(1, n_types, n_types),
p_pref = matrix(1, n_types, n_types), loops = FALSE)
play_bipartite(n1, n2, p, m, directed = TRUE, mode = "out")
play_traits(n, n_types, growth = 1, p_type = rep(1, n_types),
p_pref = matrix(1, n_types, n_types), callaway = TRUE, directed = TRUE)
play_citation_type(n, growth, types = rep(0, n), p_pref = rep(1,
length(unique(types))), directed = TRUE)
The number of nodes in the graph. For bipartite graphs n1
and n2
specifies the number of nodes of each type.
The number of different node types in the graph
The probability that a node will be the given type. Either a vector or a matrix, depending on the game
The probability that an edge will be made to a type. Either a vector or a matrix, depending on the game
Should n_types be understood as a fixed number of nodes for each type rather than as a probability
Should the resulting graph be directed
Are loop edges allowed
The probabilty of an edge occuring
The number of edges in the graph
The flow direction of edges
The number of edges added at each iteration
Use the callaway version of the trait based game
The type of each node in the graph, enumerated from 0
A tbl_graph object
: Create graphs by linking nodes of different types
based on a defined probability. See igraph::sample_pref()
: Create graphs by linking nodes of different types
based on an asymmetric probability. See igraph::sample_asym_pref()
: Create bipartite graphs of fixed size and edge count
or probability. See igraph::sample_bipartite()
: Create graphs by evolving a graph with type based edge
probabilities. See igraph::sample_traits()
: Create citation graphs by evolving with type based
linking probability. See igraph::sample_cit_types()
Other graph games: component_games
plot(play_bipartite(20, 30, 0.4))
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