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udpipe (version 0.3)

udpipe_train: Train a UDPipe model


Train a UDPipe model which allows to do Tokenization, Parts of Speech Tagging, Lemmatization and Dependency Parsing or a combination of those.

This function allows you to build models based on data in in CONLL-U format as described at http://universaldependencies.org/format.html. At the time of writing open data in CONLL-U format for 50 languages are available at http://universaldependencies.org/#ud-treebanks. Most of these are distributed under the CC-BY-SA licence or the CC-BY-NC-SA license.

This function allows to build annotation tagger models based on these data in CONLL-U format, allowing you to have your own tagger model. This is relevant if you want to tune the tagger to your needs or if you don't want to use ready-made models provided under the CC-BY-NC-SA license as shown at udpipe_load_model


udpipe_train(file = file.path(getwd(), "my_annotator.udpipe"),
  files_conllu_training, files_conllu_holdout = character(),
  annotation_tokenizer = "default", annotation_tagger = "default",
  annotation_parser = "default")



full path where the model will be saved. The model will be stored as a binary file which udpipe_load_model can handle. Defaults to 'my_annotator.udpipe' in the current working directory.


a character vector of files in CONLL-U format used for training the model


a character vector of files in CONLL-U format used for holdout evalution of the model. This argument is optional.


a string containing options for the tokenizer. This can be either 'none' or 'default' or a list of options as mentioned in the UDPipe manual. See the vignette vignette("udpipe-train", package = "udpipe") or go directly to http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/udpipe/users-manual#model_training_tokenizer for a full description of the options or see the examples below. Defaults to 'default'. If you specify 'none', the model will not be able to perform tokenization.


a string containing options for the pos tagger and lemmatiser. This can be either 'none' or 'default' or a list of options as mentioned in the UDPipe manual. See the vignette vignette("udpipe-train", package = "udpipe") or go directly to http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/udpipe/users-manual#model_training_tagger for a full description of the options or see the examples below. Defaults to 'default'. If you specify 'none', the model will not be able to perform POS tagging or lemmatization.


a string containing options for the dependency parser. This can be either 'none' or 'default' or a list of options as mentioned in the UDPipe manual. See the vignette vignette("udpipe-train", package = "udpipe") or go directly to http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/udpipe/users-manual#model_training_parser for a full description of the options or see the examples below. Defaults to 'default'. If you specify 'none', the model will not be able to perform dependency parsing.


A list with elements

  • file: The path to the model, which can be used in udpipe_load_model

  • annotation_tokenizer: The input argument annotation_tokenizer

  • annotation_tagger: The input argument annotation_tagger

  • annotation_parser: The input argument annotation_parser

  • errors: Messages from the UDPipe process indicating possible errors for example when passing the wrong arguments to the annotation_tokenizer, annotation_tagger or annotation_parser


In order to train a model, you need to provide files which are in CONLL-U format in argument files_conllu_training. This can be a vector of files or just one file. If you do not have your own CONLL-U files, you can download files for your language of choice at http://universaldependencies.org/#ud-treebanks.

At the time of writing open data in CONLL-U format for 50 languages are available at http://universaldependencies.org/#ud-treebanks, namely for: ancient_greek, arabic, basque, belarusian, bulgarian, catalan, chinese, coptic, croatian, czech, danish, dutch, english, estonian, finnish, french, galician, german, gothic, greek, hebrew, hindi, hungarian, indonesian, irish, italian, japanese, kazakh, korean, latin, latvian, lithuanian, norwegian, old_church_slavonic, persian, polish, portuguese, romanian, russian, sanskrit, slovak, slovenian, spanish, swedish, tamil, turkish, ukrainian, urdu, uyghur, vietnamese.



See Also

udpipe_annotation_params, udpipe_annotate, udpipe_load_model, udpipe_accuracy


Run this code
## You need to have a file on disk in CONLL-U format, taking the toy example file put in the package
file_conllu <- system.file(package = "udpipe", "dummydata", "traindata.conllu")
cat(head(readLines(file_conllu), 3), sep="\n")

# }
## This is a toy example showing how to build a model, it is not a good model whatsoever, 
##   because model building takes more than 5 seconds this model is saved also in 
##   the file at system.file(package = "udpipe", "dummydata", "toymodel.udpipe")
m <- udpipe_train(file = "toymodel.udpipe", files_conllu_training = file_conllu, 
  annotation_tokenizer = list(dimension = 16, epochs = 1, batch_size = 100, dropout = 0.7), 
  annotation_tagger = list(iterations = 1, models = 1, 
     provide_xpostag = 1, provide_lemma = 0, provide_feats = 0, 
     guesser_suffix_rules = 2, guesser_prefix_min_count = 2), 
  annotation_parser = list(iterations = 2, 
     embedding_upostag = 20, embedding_feats = 20, embedding_xpostag = 0, embedding_form = 50, 
     embedding_lemma = 0, embedding_deprel = 20, learning_rate = 0.01, 
     learning_rate_final = 0.001, l2 = 0.5, hidden_layer = 200, 
     batch_size = 10, transition_system = "projective", transition_oracle = "dynamic", 
     structured_interval = 10))
# }
file_model <- system.file(package = "udpipe", "dummydata", "toymodel.udpipe")
ud_toymodel <- udpipe_load_model(file_model)
x <- udpipe_annotate(object = ud_toymodel, x = "Ik ging deze morgen naar de bakker brood halen.")
x <- as.data.frame(x)

## The above was a toy example showing how to build a model, if you want real-life scenario's
## look at the training parameter examples given below and train it on your CONLL-U file
## Example training arguments used for the models available at udpipe_download_model
# }
## More details in the package vignette:
vignette("udpipe-train", package = "udpipe")
# }

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