# Names from a dataframe, with character matching
umx_names(mtcars, "mpg") # only "mpg" matches this
# Easy-to-type alias "namez"
namez(mtcars, "mpg")
# Use a regular expression to match a pattern
namez(mtcars, "r[ab]") # "drat", "carb"
namez(mtcars, "^d") # vars beginning with 'd' = "disp", drat
# Use this function to replace text in names!
umx_names(mtcars, "mpg", replacement = "hello") # "mpg" replaced with "hello"
# ========================================================================
# = Using the custom collapse option to quote each item, and wrap in c() =
# ========================================================================
namez(mtcars, "m", collapse = "vector") # Paste-able R-code for a vector
# Other options passed to R's grep command
umx_names(mtcars, "mpg" , invert = TRUE) # Non-matches (instead of matches)
umx_names(mtcars, "disp", value = FALSE) # Return indices of matches
umx_names(mtcars, "^d" , fixed = TRUE) # Vars containing literal '^d' (none...)
# =======================================
# = Examples using built-in GFF dataset =
# =======================================
# Just show phenotypes for Twin 1
umx_names(GFF, "_T1$") # twin 1
# "zyg" "sex1" "age_T1" "gff_T1" "fc_T1" "qol_T1" "hap_T1"...
umx_names(GFF, "2$") # names ending in 2
umx_names(GFF, "[^12bs]$") # doesn't end in `1`, `2`, `b`, or `s`
# "zyg_6grp" "zyg_2grp" "divorce"
umx_names(mxData(twinData[, c("wt1", "wt2")], type= "raw"))
umx_names(mxData(cov(twinData[, c("wt1", "wt2")], use="comp"), type= "cov", numObs= 1000))
umx_names(mxDataWLS(na.omit(twinData[, c("wt1", "wt2")]), type= "WLS"))
namez(umxMatrix("bob", "Full", 3,3)$labels)
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab