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uptimeRobot (version 1.0.0)

uptimerobot.contacts: Get general informations about the alert contacts


uptimerobot.contacts extracts a dataset with general informations for a set of contacts used to be alert in case of up/down of the given monitors.


uptimerobot.contacts(api.key, contacts = NULL, limit = 50, offset = 0, fields = uptimerobot.fields("contact")$typical)


A valid key for connecting to UptimeRobors public API.
vector or comma-delimited string with the IDs of the contacts to get. If the argument is NULL or missing, all the available contacts will be returned.
An integer value used for pagination. Defines the max number of records to return in each page. Default and max. is 50.
An integer value to set the index of the first monitor to get (used for pagination).
vector or comma-delimited string with the general informations to include in the output dataset. You may use the helper function uptimerobot.fields if you don't want to manually compile the list of fields.


A dataset with general informations about the contacts.


The alert contacts are whom to be notified when the monitor goes up/down.

If a vector of contact IDs is not given, the function will return data for all the available contacts.

The API uses pagination and returns no more than 50 contacts on each page. Use limit and offset to set a different number of monitors to get on each page and to move between pages. Leave default values to get all the data.

See Also



Run this code
## Not run: 
# # Let's assume the api.key is available into the environment variable KEY
# api.key <- Sys.getenv("KEY", "")
# # Returns all the contacts with a default set of attributes
# contacts.df <- uptimerobot.contacts(api.key)
# # Returns all the contacts and all the attributes
# contacts.full.df <- uptimerobot.contacts(api.key, fields=uptimerobot.fields("contact")$full))
# # Returns only the two contacts with ID: 1234, 5678
# contacts.df <- uptimerobot.contacts(api.key, c("1234", "5678"))
# ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab