This function creates a sample space associated with the experiment of sampling distinguishable objects from an urn.
urnsamples(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'default':
urnsamples(x, size, replace = FALSE, ordered = FALSE, \ldots)
## S3 method for class 'data.frame':
urnsamples(x, size, replace = FALSE, ordered = FALSE, \ldots)
a vector or data frame from which sampling should take place.
number indicating the sample size.
logical indicating whether sampling should be done with replacement.
logical indicating whether order among samples is important.
further arguments to be passed to or from other methods.
A data frame if urn is a vector, and a list if urn is a data frame.
The function operates on the indices of the urn (or rows, in the case urn is a data frame). It then takes those samples and substitutes back into urn to generate the entries of the data frame (or list, respectively). In the case that urn has repeated values, the result will be repeated values in the output.
Note that urnsamples strips x of any existing probs column before sampling.