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umx (version 4.0.0)

us_skinfold_data: Anthropometric data on twins


A dataset containing height, weight, BMI, and skin-fold fat measures in several hundred US twin families participating in the MCV Cardiovascular Twin Study (PI Schieken). Biceps and Triceps are folds above and below the upper arm (holding arm palm upward), Calf (fold on the calf muscle), Subscapular (fold over the shoulder blade), Suprailiacal (fold between the hip and ribs).





A data frame with 53940 twin families (1 per row) each twin measured on 10 variables.


  • fan FamilyID (t1=male,t2=female)

  • zyg Zygosity 1:mzm, 2:mzf, 3:dzm, 4:dzf, 5:dzo

  • ht_T1 Height of twin 1 (cm)

  • wt_T1 Weight of twin 1 (kg)

  • bmi_T1 BMI of twin 1

  • bml_T1 log BMI of twin 1

  • bic_T1 Biceps Skinfold of twin 1

  • caf_T1 Calf Skinfold of twin 1

  • ssc_T1 Subscapular Skinfold of twin 1

  • sil_T1 Suprailiacal Skinfold of twin 1

  • tri_T1 Triceps Skinfold of twin 1

  • ht_T2 Height of twin 2

  • wt_T2 Weight of twin 2

  • bmi_T2 BMI of twin 2

  • bml_T2 log BMI of twin 2

  • bic_T2 Biceps Skinfold of twin 2

  • caf_T2 Calf Skinfold of twin 2

  • ssc_T2 Subscapular Skinfold of twin 2

  • sil_T2 Suprailiacal Skinfold of twin 2

  • tri_T2 Triceps Skinfold of twin 2


Moskowitz, W. B., Schwartz, P. F., & Schieken, R. M. (1999). Childhood passive smoking, race, and coronary artery disease risk: the MCV Twin Study. Medical College of Virginia. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 153, 446-453. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10323623

See Also

Other datasets: Fischbein_wt, GFF, docData, iqdat, umx


Run this code
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))  # 1 rows and 3 columns
plot(ht_T1 ~ht_T2, ylim = c(130, 165), data = subset(us_skinfold_data, zyg == 1))
plot(ht_T1 ~ht_T2, ylim = c(130, 165), data = subset(us_skinfold_data, zyg == 3))
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))  # back to as it was
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab