varClasses: Variance Function Classes
Standard classes of variance function structures (varFunc
available in the nlme
package. Covariates included in the
variance function, denoted by variance covariates, may involve
functions of the fitted model object, such as the fitted values and
the residuals. Different coefficients may be assigned to the levels of
a classification factor.Value
- Available standard classes:
- varExpexponential of a variance covariate.
- varPowerpower of a variance covariate.
- varConstPowerconstant plus power of a variance covariate.
- varIdentconstant variance(s), generally used to allow
different variances according to the levels of a classification
- varFixedfixed weights, determined by a variance covariate.
- varCombcombination of variance functions.
Pinheiro, J.C., and Bates, D.M. (2000) "Mixed-Effects Models
in S and S-PLUS", Springer.