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expectation-methods: Extraction of the Expectation, Variance and Covariance of the Linear Statistic


Methods for extraction of the expectation, variance and covariance of the linear statistic.


# S4 method for IndependenceLinearStatistic
expectation(object, partial = FALSE, ...)
# S4 method for IndependenceTest
expectation(object, partial = FALSE, ...)

# S4 method for Variance variance(object, ...) # S4 method for CovarianceMatrix variance(object, ...) # S4 method for IndependenceLinearStatistic variance(object, partial = FALSE, ...) # S4 method for IndependenceTest variance(object, partial = FALSE, ...)

# S4 method for CovarianceMatrix covariance(object, ...) # S4 method for IndependenceLinearStatistic covariance(object, invert = FALSE, partial = FALSE, ...) # S4 method for QuadTypeIndependenceTestStatistic covariance(object, invert = FALSE, partial = FALSE, ...) # S4 method for IndependenceTest covariance(object, invert = FALSE, partial = FALSE, ...)


The expectation, variance or covariance of the linear statistic extracted from

object. A matrix or array.



an object from which the expectation, variance or covariance of the linear statistic can be extracted.


a logical indicating that the partial result for each block should be extracted. Defaults to FALSE.


a logical indicating that the Moore-Penrose inverse of the covariance should be extracted. Defaults to FALSE.


further arguments (currently ignored).


The methods expectation, variance and covariance extract the expectation, variance and covariance, respectively, of the linear statistic.

For tests of conditional independence within blocks, the partial result for each block is obtained by setting partial = TRUE.


Run this code
## Example data
dta <- data.frame(
    y = gl(3, 2),
    x = sample(gl(3, 2))

## Asymptotic Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel Test
ct <- cmh_test(y ~ x, data = dta)

## The linear statistic, i.e., the contingency table...
(T <- statistic(ct, type = "linear"))

## ...and its expectation...
(mu <- expectation(ct))

## ...and variance...
(sigma <- variance(ct))

## ...and covariance...
(Sigma <- covariance(ct))

## ...and its inverse
(SigmaPlus <- covariance(ct, invert = TRUE))

## The standardized contingency table...
(T - mu) / sqrt(sigma)

## ...is identical to the standardized linear statistic
statistic(ct, type = "standardized")

## The quadratic form...
U <- as.vector(T - mu)
U %*% SigmaPlus %*% U

## ...is identical to the test statistic
statistic(ct, type = "test")

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