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vegawidget (version 0.3.1)

vega_embed: Vega embed options


Helper-function to specify the embed argument to vegawidget(). These arguments reflect the options to the vega-embed library, which ultimately renders the chart specification as HTML.


  renderer = c("canvas", "svg"),
  actions = NULL,
  defaultStyle = TRUE,
  mode = NULL,
  theme = NULL,
  logLevel = NULL,
  tooltip = NULL,
  loader = NULL,
  patch = NULL,
  width = NULL,
  height = NULL,
  padding = NULL,
  scaleFactor = NULL,
  config = NULL,
  editorUrl = NULL,
  sourceHeader = NULL,
  sourceFooter = NULL,
  hover = NULL,
  i18n = NULL,
  downloadFileName = NULL,
  formatLocale = NULL,
  timeFormatLocale = NULL



character the renderer to use for the view. One of "canvas" (default) or "svg". See Vega docs for details.


logical or named vector of logicals, determines if action links ("Export as PNG/SVG", "View Source", "Open in Vega Editor") are included with the embedded view. If the value is TRUE (default), all action links will be shown and none if the value is FALSE. This property can be a named vector of logicals that maps keys (export, source, compiled, editor) to logical values for determining if each action link should be shown. By default, export, source, and editor are TRUE and compiled is FALSE, but these defaults can be overridden. For example, if actions is list(export = FALSE, source = TRUE), the embedded visualization will have two links <U+2013> "View Source" and "Open in Vega Editor".


logical or character default stylesheet for embed actions


character if specified, tells Vega-Embed to parse the spec as vega or vega-lite. Vega-Embed will parse the $schema url if the mode is not specified. Vega-Embed will default to vega if neither mode, nor $schema are specified.


character if specified, tells Vega-Embed use the theme from Vega Themes; this is an experimental feature.


sets the current log level. See Vega docs for details.


JS, logical, or object to provide a tooltip handler, customize the default Vega Tooltip handler, or disable the default handler.


list, sets a custom Vega loader. See Vega docs for details.


JS function or object, A function to modify the Vega specification before it is parsed. Alternatively, an object that is used to patch the Vega specification. If you use Vega-Lite, the compiled Vega will be patched.


integer, sets the view width in pixels. See Vega docs for details. Note that Vega-Lite overrides this option.


integer, sets the view height in pixels. See Vega docs for details. Note that Vega-Lite overrides this option.


list, sets the view padding in pixels. See Vega docs for details.


numeric the number by which to multiply the width and height (default 1) of an exported PNG or SVG image.


character or list, a URL string from which to load a Vega/Vega-Lite or Vega-Lite configuration file, or a list of Vega/Vega-Lite configurations to override the default configuration options. If config is a URL, it will be subject to standard browser security restrictions. Typically this URL will point to a file on the same host and port number as the web page itself.


character, URL at which to open embedded Vega specs in a Vega editor. Defaults to "http://vega.github.io/editor/". Internally, Vega-Embed uses HTML5 postMessage to pass the specification information to the editor.


character, HTML to inject into the `` tag of the page generated by the "View Source" action link. For example, this can be used to add code for syntax highlighting.


character, HTML to inject into the end of the page generated by the "View Source" action link. The text will be added immediately before the closing `` tag.


logical, enable hover event processing


list, this property maps keys (COMPILED_ACTION, EDITOR_ACTION, PNG_ACTION, SOURCE_ACTION, SVG_ACTION) to string values for the action's text. By default, the text is in English.


character, sets the file name (default: visualization) for charts downloaded using the png or svg action.


list, sets the default locale definition for number formatting. See the d3-format locale collection for definition files for a variety of languages. Note that this is a global setting.


list, sets the default locale definition for date/time formatting. See the d3-time-format locale collection for definition files for a variety of languages. Note that this is a global setting.


list to to be used with vega-embed JavaScript library


The most important arguments are renderer, actions, and defaultStyle:

  • The default renderer is "canvas".

  • The default for actions is NULL, which means that the export, source, and editor links are shown, but the compiled link is not shown.

    • To suppress all action links, call with actions = FALSE.

    • To change from the default for a given action link, call with a list: actions = list(editor = FALSE).

  • The default for defaultStyle is TRUE, which means that action-links are rendered in a widget at the upper-right corner of the rendered chart.

It is ineffective to set the width and height parameters here when embedding a Vega-Lite specification, as they will be overridden by the values in the chart specification.

See Also

vega-embed library, vegawidget()


Run this code
vega_embed(renderer = "svg")

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab