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trelliscope (version 0.9.7)

view: View a Display or Run Shiny Display Viewer


View a display or run Shiny display viewer


view(name = NULL, group = NULL, state = NULL, openBrowser = TRUE, conn = getOption("vdbConn"), port = getOption("trelliscopePort"), copyFiles = TRUE)


name, group
optional parameters to load the viewer with a pre-specified display - if not specified, the viewer will launch with a list to choose from
an optional list of state variables to set the default viewing state for layout, sorting, filtering, and labels (see details)
should the browser be automatically launched?
VDB connection info, typically stored in options("vdbConn") at the beginning of a session, and not necessary to specify here if a valid "vdbConn" object exists
what port to use for the viewer - if not specified, will look for "trelliscopePort" set in R's global options, followed by a search for a system-level environment variable "TRELLISCOPE_PORT". If none of these are defined, a random port assigned provided by shiny will be used.
should updated viewer files be copied over to VDB directory?


Run this code

vdbConn(tempfile(), autoYes = TRUE)

# make a simple display
d <- divide(iris, by = "Species")
makeDisplay(d, name = "sl_vs_sw",
  panelFn = function(x)
    qplot(Sepal.Width, Sepal.Length, data = x))

## Not run: 
# # open viewer with default providing list of displays to veiw
# view()
# # open viewer on port 8100
# view(port = 8100)
# # make port 8100 the default port for all future calls to view()
# options(trelliscopePort = 8100)
# # open viewer directly to "sl_vs_sw"
# view(name = "sl_vs_sw")
# # open viewer directly to "sl_vs_sw" and set intial state
# view(state = stateSpec(
#   name = "sl_vs_sw",
#   layout = list(nrow = 1, ncol = 3),
#   labels = c("panelKey", "Species")))
# ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab