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spatstat.data (version 3.1-2)

waka: Trees in Waka national park


This dataset is a spatial point pattern of trees recorded at Waka National Park, Gabon. See Balinga et al (2006).

The dataset waka is a point pattern (object of class "ppp") containing the spatial coordinates of each tree, marked by the tree diameter at breast height dbh. The survey region is a 100 by 100 metre squawre. Coordinates are given in metres, while the dbh is in centimetres.





Balinga, M., Sunderland, T., Walters, G., Issembe', Y., Asaha, S. and Fombod, E. (2006) A vegetation assessment of the Waka national park, Gabon. Herbier National du Gabon, LBG, MBG, WCS, FRP and Simthsonian Institution, Libreville, Gabon. CARPE Report, 154 pp. http://carpe.umd.edu/

Picard, N., Bar-Hen, A., Mortier, F. and Chadoeuf, J. (2009) The multi-scale marked area-interaction point process: a model for the spatial pattern of trees. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 36 23--41


Run this code
  if(require(spatstat.geom)) {
plot(waka, markscale=0.01)
title(sub="Tree diameters to scale")
plot(waka, markscale=0.04)
title(sub="Tree diameters 4x scale")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab