This function impliments wordcloud without dependecies. Code is adopted from
wordcloud(x, min_size, max_size, min_count, max_words, color, font, adjust,
rotation, random_order, random_color, ordered_color, labelcolor, labelsize,
labeloffset, fixed_aspect, colors, scale, min.freq, max.words, random.order,
random.color, rot.per, ordered.colors, use.r.layout, fixed.asp, ...)
a dfm object
size of the smallest word
size of the largest word
words with frequency below min_count will not be plotted
maximum number of words to be plotted. least frequent terms dropped.
color of words from least to most frequent
font-family of words and labels. Use default font if NULL
ajust sizes of words by a constant. Useful for non-Engish words for which R fails to obtain correct sizes.
proportion of words with 90 degree rotation
plot words in random order. If FALSE
, they will be
plotted in decreasing frequency.
choose colors randomly from the colors. If FALSE
the color is chosen based on the frequency
, then colors are assigned to words in
color of group labels. Only used when compariosn=TRUE
size of group labels. Only used when compariosn=TRUE
position of group labels. Only used when
, the aspect ratio is fixed. Variable
aspect ratio only supported if rotation = 0.
deprecated argument
deprecated argument
deprecated argument
deprecated argument
deprecated argument
deprecated argument
deprecated argument
deprecated argument
deprecated argument
additional parameters. Only used to make it compatible with wordcloud