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XML (version 3.98-1.12)

xmlTree: An internal, updatable DOM object for building XML trees


This is a mutable object (implemented via a closure) for representing an XML tree, in the same spirit as xmlOutputBuffer and xmlOutputDOM but that uses the internal structures of libxml. This can be used to create a DOM that can be constructed in R and exported to another system such as XSLT (http://www.omegahat.net/Sxslt)


xmlTree(tag, attrs = NULL, dtd=NULL, namespaces=list(),
          doc = newXMLDoc(dtd, namespaces))



the node or element name to use to create the new top-level node in the tree or alternatively, an XMLInternalNode that was already created. This is optional. If it is not specified, no top-most node is created but can be added using addNode. If a top-level tag is added in the call to xmlTree, that becomes the currently active or open node (e.g. same as addNode( ..., close = FALSE)) and nodes subsequently added to this


attributes for the top-level node, in the form of a named character vector.


the name of the external DTD for this document. If specified, this adds the DOCTYPE node to the resulting document. This can be a node created earlier with a call to newXMLDTDNode, or alternatively it can be a character vector with 1, 2 or 3 elements giving the name of the top-level node, and the public identifier and the system identifier for the DTD in that order.


a named character vector with each element giving the name space identifier and the corresponding URI, \ e.g c(shelp = "http://www.omegahat.net/XML/SHelp") If tag is specified as a character vector, these name spaces are defined within that new node.


an internal XML document object, typically created with newXMLDoc. This is used as the host document for all the new nodes that will be created as part of this document. If one wants to create nodes without an internal document ancestor, one can alternatively specify this is as NULL.


An object of class XMLInternalDOM that extends XMLOutputStream and has the same interface (i.e. ``methods'') as xmlOutputBuffer and xmlOutputDOM. Each object has methods for adding a new XML tag, closing a tag, adding an XML comment, and retrieving the contents of the tree.


create a new tag at the current position, optionally leaving it as the active open tag to which new nodes will be added as children


close the currently active tag making its parent the active element into which new nodes will be added.


add an XML comment node as a child of the active node in the document.


retrieve an object representing the XML tree. See saveXML to serialize the contents of the tree.


degenerate method in this context.


This creates a collection of functions that manipulate a shared state to build and maintain an XML tree in C-level code.


http://www.w3.org/XML, http://www.xmlsoft.org, http://www.omegahat.net

See Also

saveXML newXMLDoc newXMLNode xmlOutputBuffer xmlOutputDOM


Run this code
z = xmlTree("people", namespaces = list(r = "http://www.r-project.org"))

z$addNode("person", attrs = c(id = "123"), close = FALSE)
  z$addNode("firstname", "Duncan")
  z$addNode("surname", "Temple Lang")
  z$addNode("title", "Associate Professor")
  z$addNode("expertize", close = FALSE)
     z$addNode("topic", "Data Technologies")
     z$addNode("topic", "Programming Language Design")
     z$addNode("topic", "Parallel Computing")
     z$addNode("topic", "Data Visualization")
     z$addNode("topic", "Meta-Computing")
     z$addNode("topic", "Inter-system interfaces")
  z$addNode("address", "4210 Mathematical Sciences Building, UC Davis")

  tr <- xmlTree("CDataTest")
  tr$addTag("top", close=FALSE)
  tr$addCData("x <- list(1, a='&');\nx[[2]]")
  tr$addPI("S", "plot(1:10)")

  f = tempfile()
  saveXML(tr, f, encoding = "UTF-8")

  # Creating a node
x = rnorm(3)
z = xmlTree("r:data", namespaces = c(r = "http://www.r-project.org"))
z$addNode("numeric", attrs = c("r:length" = length(x)))

  # shows namespace prefix on an attribute, and different from the one on the node.
  z = xmlTree()
z$addNode("r:data",  namespace = c(r = "http://www.r-project.org",
                                   omg = "http://www.omegahat.net"),
         close = FALSE)
x = rnorm(3)
z$addNode("r:numeric", attrs = c("omg:length" = length(x)))

z = xmlTree("examples")
z$addNode("example", namespace = list(r = "http://www.r-project.org"), close = FALSE)
z$addNode("code", "mean(rnorm(100))", namespace = "r")

x = summary(rnorm(1000))
d = xmlTree()
d$addNode("table", close = FALSE)

d$addNode("tr", .children = sapply(names(x), function(x) d$addNode("th", x)))
d$addNode("tr", .children = sapply(x, function(x) d$addNode("td", format(x))))


# Dealing with DTDs and system and public identifiers for DTDs.
# Just doctype
za = xmlTree("people", dtd = "people")
# no public element
zb = xmlTree("people",
             dtd = c("people", "", "http://www.omegahat.net/XML/types.dtd"))
# public and system
zc = xmlTree("people",
             dtd = c("people", "//a//b//c//d",

# }

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