if(!requireNamespace("tseries")) {
if(interactive() || is.na(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_PACKAGE_NAME_", NA))) {
stop("not all packages required for the example are installed")
} else q() }
## Baltagi (2002)
## Table 3.3
cig_lm <- lm(packs ~ price, data = CigarettesB)
## Chapter 5: diagnostic tests (p. 111-115)
cig_lm2 <- lm(packs ~ price + income, data = CigarettesB)
## Glejser tests (p. 112)
ares <- abs(residuals(cig_lm2))
summary(lm(ares ~ income, data = CigarettesB))
summary(lm(ares ~ I(1/income), data = CigarettesB))
summary(lm(ares ~ I(1/sqrt(income)), data = CigarettesB))
summary(lm(ares ~ sqrt(income), data = CigarettesB))
## Goldfeld-Quandt test (p. 112)
gqtest(cig_lm2, order.by = ~ income, data = CigarettesB, fraction = 12, alternative = "less")
## NOTE: Baltagi computes the test statistic as mss1/mss2,
## i.e., tries to find decreasing variances. gqtest() always uses
## mss2/mss1 and has an "alternative" argument.
## Spearman rank correlation test (p. 113)
cor.test(~ ares + income, data = CigarettesB, method = "spearman")
## Breusch-Pagan test (p. 113)
bptest(cig_lm2, varformula = ~ income, data = CigarettesB, student = FALSE)
## White test (Table 5.1, p. 113)
bptest(cig_lm2, ~ income * price + I(income^2) + I(price^2), data = CigarettesB)
## White HC standard errors (Table 5.2, p. 114)
coeftest(cig_lm2, vcov = vcovHC(cig_lm2, type = "HC1"))
## Jarque-Bera test (Figure 5.2, p. 115)
hist(residuals(cig_lm2), breaks = 16, ylim = c(0, 10), col = "lightgray")
## Tables 8.1 and 8.2
## More examples can be found in:
## help("Baltagi2002")
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