if(!requireNamespace("dynlm") ||
!requireNamespace("strucchange")) {
if(interactive() || is.na(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_PACKAGE_NAME_", NA))) {
stop("not all packages required for the example are installed")
} else q() }
## Stock and Watson (2007)
data("USMacroSW", package = "AER")
usm <- ts.intersect(USMacroSW, 4 * 100 * diff(log(USMacroSW[, "cpi"])))
colnames(usm) <- c(colnames(USMacroSW), "infl")
## Equations 14.7, 14.13, 14.16, 14.17, pp. 536
fm_ar1 <- dynlm(d(infl) ~ L(d(infl)),
data = usm, start = c(1962,1), end = c(2004,4))
fm_ar4 <- dynlm(d(infl) ~ L(d(infl), 1:4),
data = usm, start = c(1962,1), end = c(2004,4))
fm_adl41 <- dynlm(d(infl) ~ L(d(infl), 1:4) + L(unemp),
data = usm, start = c(1962,1), end = c(2004,4))
fm_adl44 <- dynlm(d(infl) ~ L(d(infl), 1:4) + L(unemp, 1:4),
data = usm, start = c(1962,1), end = c(2004,4))
coeftest(fm_ar1, vcov = sandwich)
coeftest(fm_ar4, vcov = sandwich)
coeftest(fm_adl41, vcov = sandwich)
coeftest(fm_adl44, vcov = sandwich)
## Granger causality test mentioned on p. 547
waldtest(fm_ar4, fm_adl44, vcov = sandwich)
## Figure 14.5, p. 570
## SW perform partial break test of unemp coefs
## here full model is used
mf <- model.frame(fm_adl44) ## re-use fm_adl44
mf <- ts(as.matrix(mf), start = c(1962, 1), freq = 4)
colnames(mf) <- c("y", paste("x", 1:8, sep = ""))
ff <- as.formula(paste("y", "~", paste("x", 1:8, sep = "", collapse = " + ")))
fs <- Fstats(ff, data = mf, from = 0.1)
lines(boundary(fs, alpha = 0.01), lty = 2, col = 2)
lines(boundary(fs, alpha = 0.1), lty = 3, col = 2)
## More examples can be found in:
## help("StockWatson2007")
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