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AER (version 1.2-14)

summary.ivreg: Methods for Instrumental-Variable Regression


Methods to standard generics for instrumental-variable regressions fitted by ivreg.


# S3 method for ivreg
summary(object, vcov. = NULL, df = NULL, diagnostics = FALSE, ...)
# S3 method for ivreg
anova(object, object2, test = "F", vcov = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for ivreg terms(x, component = c("regressors", "instruments"), ...) # S3 method for ivreg model.matrix(object, component = c("projected", "regressors", "instruments"), ...)


object, object2, x

an object of class "ivreg" as fitted by ivreg.

vcov., vcov

a specification of the covariance matrix of the estimated coefficients. This can be specified as a matrix or as a function yielding a matrix when applied to the fitted model. If it is a function it is also employed in the two diagnostic F tests (if diagnostics = TRUE in the summary() method).


the degrees of freedom to be used. By default this is set to residual degrees of freedom for which a t or F test is computed. Alternatively, it can be set to Inf (or equivalently 0) for which a z or Chi-squared test is computed.


logical. Should diagnostic tests for the instrumental-variable regression be carried out? These encompass an F test of the first stage regression for weak instruments, a Wu-Hausman test for endogeneity, and a Sargan test of overidentifying restrictions (only if there are more instruments than regressors).


character specifying whether to compute the large sample Chi-squared statistic (with asymptotic Chi-squared distribution) or the finite sample F statistic (with approximate F distribution).


character specifying for which component of the terms or model matrix should be extracted. "projected" gives the matrix of regressors projected on the image of the instruments.


currently not used.


ivreg is the high-level interface to the work-horse function ivreg.fit, a set of standard methods (including summary, vcov, anova, hatvalues, predict, terms, model.matrix, update, bread, estfun) is available.

See Also

ivreg, lm.fit


Run this code
## data
CigarettesSW <- transform(CigarettesSW,
  rprice  = price/cpi,
  rincome = income/population/cpi,
  tdiff   = (taxs - tax)/cpi

## model 
fm <- ivreg(log(packs) ~ log(rprice) + log(rincome) | log(rincome) + tdiff + I(tax/cpi),
  data = CigarettesSW, subset = year == "1995")
summary(fm, vcov = sandwich, df = Inf, diagnostics = TRUE)

fm2 <- ivreg(log(packs) ~ log(rprice) | tdiff, data = CigarettesSW, subset = year == "1995")
anova(fm, fm2, vcov = sandwich, test = "Chisq")

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