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AICcmodavg (version 1.0)

aictab: Create Model Selection Tables


This function creates a model selection table based on one of the following information criteria: AIC, AICc, QAIC, QAICc. The table ranks the models based on the selected information criteria and also provides delta AIC and Akaike weights. 'aictab' selects the appropriate function to create the model selection table based on the object class. The current version works with objects of 'lm', 'glm', 'lme', 'multinom', and 'polr' classes but does not yet allow mixing of different classes.


aictab(cand.set, modnames, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, second.ord = TRUE,
nobs = NULL) 

aictab.glm(cand.set, modnames, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL)

aictab.lme(cand.set, modnames, sort = TRUE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL)

aictab.mult(cand.set, modnames, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL)

aictab.polr(cand.set, modnames, sort = TRUE, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL)


a list storing each of the models in the candidate model set.
a character vector of model names to facilitate the identification of each model in the model selection table.
logical. If true, the model selection table is ranked according to the (Q)AIC(c) values.
value of overdispersion parameter (i.e., variance inflation factor) such as that obtained from 'c_hat'. Note that values of c.hat different from 1 are only appropriate for binomial GLM's with trials > 1 (i.e., success/trial or cbind(success, failure) syn
logical. If TRUE, the function returns the second-order Akaike information criterion (i.e., AICc).
this argument allows to specify a numeric value other than total sample size to compute the AICc. This is relevant only for linear mixed models where sample size is not straightforward. In such cases, one might use total number of observations or number


  • 'aictab', 'aictab.glm', 'aictab.lme', 'aictab.mult', and 'aictab.polr' create an object of class 'aictab' with the following components:
  • Modnamenames of each model of the candidate model set.
  • Knumber of estimated parameters for each model.
  • (Q)AIC(c)the information criteria requested for each model (AICc, AICc, QAIC, QAICc.
  • Delta_(Q)AIC(c)the appropriate delta AIC component depending on the information criteria selected.
  • ModelLikthe relative likelihood of the model given the data (exp(-0.5*delta[i])). This is not to be confused with the likelihood of the parameters given the data. The relative likelihood can then be normalized across all models to get the model probabilities.
  • (Q)AIC(c)wtthe Akaike weights, also known as model probabilities. These measures indicate the level of support in favor of any given model being the most parsimonious among the candidate model set.
  • Cum.Wtthe cumulative Akaike weights.
  • c.hatif c.hat was specified as an argument, it is included in the table.


'aictab' is a function that calls either 'aictab.glm', 'aictab.lme', 'aictab.mult', or 'aictab.polr' depending on the class of the object. The current function is implemented for 'lm', 'glm', 'lme', 'multinom', and 'lme' classes and constructs a model selection table based on one of the four information criteria: AIC, AICc, QAIC, and QAICc.

Ten guidelines for model selection:

1) Carefully construct your candidate model set. Each model should represent a specific (interesting) hypothesis to test.

2) Keep your candidate model set short. It is ill-advised to consider as many models as there are data.

3) Check model fit. Use your global model (most complex model) or subglobal models to determine if the assumptions are valid. If none of your models fit the data well, information criteria will only indicate the most parsimonious of the poor models.

4) Avoid data dredging (i.e., looking for patterns after an initial round of analysis).

5) Avoid overfitting models. You should not estimate too many parameters for the number of observations available in the sample.

6) Be careful of missing values. Remember that values that are missing only for certain variables change the data set and sample size, depending on which variable is included in any given model. I suggest to remove missing cases before starting model selection.

7) Use the same response variable for all models of the candidate model set. It is inappropriate to run some models with a transformed response variable and others with the untransformed variable. A workaround is to use a different link function for some models (i.e., identity vs log link).

8) When dealing with models with overdispersion, use the same value of c-hat for all models in the candidate model set. For binomial models with trials > 1 (i.e., success/trial or cbind(success, failure) syntax) or with Poisson GLM's, you should estimate the c-hat from the most complex model (global model). If c-hat > 1, you should use the same value for each model of the candidate model set (where appropriate) and include it in the count of parameters (K). Similarly, for negative binomial models, you should estimate the dispersion parameter from the global model and use the same value across all models.

9) Burnham and Anderson (2002) recommend to avoid mixing the information-theoretic approach and notions of significance (i.e., P values). It is best to provide estimates and a measure of their precision (standard error, confidence intervals).

10) Determining the ranking of the models is just the first step. Akaike weights sum to 1 for the entire model set and can be interpreted as the weight of evidence in favor of a given model being the best one given the candidate model set considered and the data at hand. Models with large Akaike weights have strong support. Evidence ratios, importance values, and confidence sets for the best model are all measures that assist in interpretation. In cases where the top ranking model has an Akaike weight > 0.9, one can base inference on this single most parsimonious model. When many models rank highly (i.e., delta (Q)AIC(c) < 4), one should model-average the parameters of interest appearing in the top models. Model averaging consists in making inference based on the whole set of candidate models, instead of basing conclusions on a single 'best' model. It is an elegant way of making inference based on the information contained in the entire model set.


Anderson, D. R. (2008) Model-based Inference in the Life Sciences: a primer on evidence. Springer: New York.

Burnham, K. P., Anderson, D. R. (2002) Model Selection and Multimodel Inference: a practical information-theoretic approach. Second edition. Springer: New York.

Burnham, K. P., Anderson, D. R. (2004) Multimodel inference: understanding AIC and BIC in model selection. Sociological Methods and Research 33, 261--304.

Mazerolle, M. J. (2006) Improving data analysis in herpetology: using Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC) to assess the strength of biological hypotheses. Amphibia-Reptilia 27, 169--180.

See Also

AICc, confset, c_hat, evidence, modavg, importance, modavgpred


Run this code
#Mazerolle (2006) frog water loss example

#setup a subset of models of Table 1
Cand.models[[1]] <- lm(log_Mass_lost ~ Shade + Substrate +
cent_Initial_mass + Initial_mass2, data = dry.frog)
Cand.models[[2]] <- lm(log_Mass_lost ~ Shade + Substrate +
cent_Initial_mass + Initial_mass2 + Shade:Substrate, data = dry.frog)
Cand.models[[3]] <- lm(log_Mass_lost ~ cent_Initial_mass +
Initial_mass2, data = dry.frog)
Cand.models[[4]] <- lm(log_Mass_lost ~ Shade + cent_Initial_mass +
Initial_mass2, data = dry.frog)
Cand.models[[5]] <- lm(log_Mass_lost ~ Substrate + cent_Initial_mass +
Initial_mass2, data = dry.frog)

#create a vector of names to trace back models in set
Modnames<-paste("mod", 1:length(Cand.models), sep="")

#generate AICc table
aictab(cand.set = Cand.models, modnames = Modnames, sort=TRUE)

#Burnham and Anderson (2002) flour beetle data
#models as suggested by Burnham and Anderson p. 198          
Cand.set <- list( )
Cand.set[[1]] <- glm(Mortality_rate ~ Dose, family =
binomial(link = "logit"), weights = Number_tested, data = beetle)
Cand.set[[2]] <- glm(Mortality_rate ~ Dose, family =
binomial(link = "probit"), weights = Number_tested, data = beetle)
Cand.set[[3]] <- glm(Mortality_rate ~ Dose, family =
binomial(link ="cloglog"), weights = Number_tested, data = beetle)

#check c-hat
#lowest value of c-hat < 1 for these non-nested models, thus use
#c.hat = 1 
Modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(Cand.set), sep="")
aictab(cand.set = Cand.set, modnames = Modnames, second.ord = FALSE)
#note that delta AIC and Akaike weights are identical to Table 4.7

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