##Example 1: Poisson GLM with offset
##anuran larvae example from Mazerolle (2006)
##assign "UPLAND" as the reference level as in Mazerolle (2006)
min.trap$Type <- relevel(min.trap$Type, ref = "UPLAND")
##set up candidate models in a list
Cand.mod <- list()
##global model
Cand.mod[[1]] <- glm(Num_anura ~ Type + log.Perimeter + Num_ranatra,
family = poisson, offset = log(Effort),
data = min.trap)
Cand.mod[[2]] <- glm(Num_anura ~ Type + log.Perimeter, family = poisson,
offset = log(Effort), data = min.trap)
Cand.mod[[3]] <- glm(Num_anura ~ Type + Num_ranatra, family = poisson,
offset = log(Effort), data = min.trap)
Cand.mod[[4]] <- glm(Num_anura ~ Type, family = poisson,
offset = log(Effort), data = min.trap)
Cand.mod[[5]] <- glm(Num_anura ~ log.Perimeter + Num_ranatra,
family = poisson, offset = log(Effort),
data = min.trap)
Cand.mod[[6]] <- glm(Num_anura ~ log.Perimeter, family = poisson,
offset = log(Effort), data = min.trap)
Cand.mod[[7]] <- glm(Num_anura ~ Num_ranatra, family = poisson,
offset = log(Effort), data = min.trap)
Cand.mod[[8]] <- glm(Num_anura ~ 1, family = poisson,
offset = log(Effort), data = min.trap)
##check c-hat for global model
c_hat(Cand.mod[[1]], method = "pearson") #uses Pearson's chi-square/df
##note the very low overdispersion: in this case, the analysis could be
##conducted without correcting for c-hat as its value is reasonably close
##to 1
##output of model corrected for overdispersion
summaryOD(Cand.mod[[1]], c.hat = 1.04)
##assign names to each model
Modnames <- c("type + logperim + invertpred", "type + logperim",
"type + invertpred", "type", "logperim + invertpred",
"logperim", "invertpred", "intercept only")
##model selection table based on AICc
aictab(cand.set = Cand.mod, modnames = Modnames)
##compute evidence ratio
evidence(aictab(cand.set = Cand.mod, modnames = Modnames))
##compute confidence set based on 'raw' method
confset(cand.set = Cand.mod, modnames = Modnames, second.ord = TRUE,
method = "raw")
##compute importance value for "TypeBOG" - same number of models
##with vs without variable
importance(cand.set = Cand.mod, modnames = Modnames, parm = "TypeBOG")
##compute model-averaged estimate of "TypeBOG" using the natural average
modavg(cand.set = Cand.mod, modnames = Modnames, parm = "TypeBOG")
##compute model-averaged estimate of "TypeBOG" using shrinkage estimator
##same number of models with vs without variable
modavgShrink(cand.set = Cand.mod, modnames = Modnames,
parm = "TypeBOG")
##compute model-averaged predictions for two types of ponds
##create a data set for predictions
dat.pred <- data.frame(Type = factor(c("BOG", "UPLAND")),
log.Perimeter = mean(min.trap$log.Perimeter),
Num_ranatra = mean(min.trap$Num_ranatra),
Effort = mean(min.trap$Effort))
##model-averaged predictions across entire model set
modavgPred(cand.set = Cand.mod, modnames = Modnames,
newdata = dat.pred, type = "response")
##compute model-averaged effect size between two groups
##'newdata' data frame must be limited to two rows
modavgEffect(cand.set = Cand.mod, modnames = Modnames,
newdata = dat.pred, type = "link")
# }
##Example 2: single-season occupancy model example modified from ?occu
##single season
pferUMF <- unmarkedFrameOccu(pfer.bin)
## add some fake covariates for illustration
siteCovs(pferUMF) <- data.frame(sitevar1 = rnorm(numSites(pferUMF)),
sitevar2 = rnorm(numSites(pferUMF)))
## observation covariates are in site-major, observation-minor order
obsCovs(pferUMF) <- data.frame(obsvar1 = rnorm(numSites(pferUMF) *
##check detection history data from data object
##set up candidate model set
fm1 <- occu(~ obsvar1 ~ sitevar1, pferUMF)
##check detection history data from model object
fm2 <- occu(~ 1 ~ sitevar1, pferUMF)
fm3 <- occu(~ obsvar1 ~ sitevar2, pferUMF)
fm4 <- occu(~ 1 ~ sitevar2, pferUMF)
Cand.models <- list(fm1, fm2, fm3, fm4)
##assign names to elements in list
##alternative to using 'modnames' argument
names(Cand.models) <- c("fm1", "fm2", "fm3", "fm4")
##check GOF of global model and estimate c-hat
mb.gof.test(fm4, nsim = 100) #nsim should be > 1000
##check for high SE's in models
lapply(Cand.models, checkParms, simplify = FALSE)
##compute table
print(aictab(cand.set = Cand.models,
second.ord = TRUE), digits = 4)
##export as LaTeX table
if(require(xtable)) {
xtable(aictab(cand.set = Cand.models,
second.ord = TRUE))
##compute evidence ratio
evidence(aictab(cand.set = Cand.models))
##evidence ratio between top model vs lowest-ranked model
evidence(aictab(cand.set = Cand.models), model.high = "fm2", model.low = "fm3")
##compute confidence set based on 'raw' method
confset(cand.set = Cand.models, second.ord = TRUE,
method = "raw")
##compute importance value for "sitevar1" on occupancy
##same number of models with vs without variable
importance(cand.set = Cand.models, parm = "sitevar1",
parm.type = "psi")
##compute model-averaged estimate of "sitevar1" on occupancy
##(natural average)
modavg(cand.set = Cand.models, parm = "sitevar1",
parm.type = "psi")
##compute model-averaged estimate of "sitevar1"
##(shrinkage estimator)
##same number of models with vs without variable
modavgShrink(cand.set = Cand.models,
parm = "sitevar1", parm.type = "psi")
##compute model-average predictions
##check explanatory variables appearing in models
extractX(Cand.models, parm.type = "psi")
##create a data set for predictions
dat.pred <- data.frame(sitevar1 = seq(from = min(siteCovs(pferUMF)$sitevar1),
to = max(siteCovs(pferUMF)$sitevar1), by = 0.5),
sitevar2 = mean(siteCovs(pferUMF)$sitevar2))
##model-averaged predictions of psi across range of values
##of sitevar1 and entire model set
modavgPred(cand.set = Cand.models, newdata = dat.pred,
parm.type = "psi")
# }
# }
##Example 3: example with user-supplied values of log-likelihoods and
##number of parameters
##vector with model LL's
LL <- c(-38.8876, -35.1783, -64.8970)
##vector with number of parameters
Ks <- c(7, 9, 4)
##create a vector of names to trace back models in set
Modnames <- c("Cm1", "Cm2", "Cm3")
##generate AICc table
aictabCustom(logL = LL, K = Ks, modnames = Modnames, nobs = 121,
sort = TRUE)
##generate AIC table
aictabCustom(logL = LL, K = Ks, modnames = Modnames,
second.ord = FALSE, nobs = 121, sort = TRUE)
##model averaging parameter estimate
##vector of beta estimates for a parameter of interest
model.ests <- c(0.0478, 0.0480, 0.0478)
##vector of SE's of beta estimates for a parameter of interest
model.se.ests <- c(0.0028, 0.0028, 0.0034)
##compute model-averaged estimate and unconditional SE based on AICc
modavgCustom(logL = LL, K = Ks, modnames = Modnames,
estimate = model.ests, se = model.se.ests, nobs = 121)
##compute model-averaged estimate and unconditional SE based on BIC
modavgCustom(logL = LL, K = Ks, modnames = Modnames,
estimate = model.ests, se = model.se.ests, nobs = 121,
useBIC = TRUE)
# }
# }
##Example 4: example with user-supplied values of information criterion
##model selection based on WAIC
##WAIC values
waic <- c(105.74, 107.36, 108.24, 100.57)
##number of effective parameters
effK <- c(7.45, 5.61, 6.14, 6.05)
##create a vector of names to trace back models in set
Modnames <- c("global model", "interactive model",
"additive model", "invertpred model")
##generate WAIC model selection table
ictab(ic = waic, K = effK, modnames = Modnames,
sort = TRUE, ic.name = "WAIC")
##compute model-averaged estimate
##vector of predictions
Preds <- c(0.106, 0.137, 0.067, 0.050)
##vector of SE's for prediction
Ses <- c(0.128, 0.159, 0.054, 0.039)
##compute model-averaged estimate and unconditional SE based on WAIC
modavgIC(ic = waic, K = effK, modnames = Modnames,
estimate = Preds, se = Ses,
ic.name = "WAIC")
##export as LaTeX table
if(require(xtable)) {
##model-averaged estimate and confidence interval
xtable(modavgIC(ic = waic, K = effK, modnames = Modnames,
estimate = Preds, se = Ses,
ic.name = "WAIC"))
##model selection table with estimate and SE's from each model
xtable(modavgIC(ic = waic, K = effK, modnames = Modnames,
estimate = Preds, se = Ses,
ic.name = "WAIC"), print.table = TRUE)
# }
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