Performs outlier rejection based on divergence from mean difference.
aslOutlierRejection(asl, mask=NA, centralTendency=median, sigma.mean=2.5,
ASL time-series image.
Mask to compute average over. If not supplied, estimated from data.
Function to compute central tendency. Defaults to median, but mean may also work.
Scalar defining how many standard deviations away from the mean a volume must be to be rejected.
Scalar defining how many standard deviations away from mean of standard deviations the volume must be to be rejected.
List of ASL time-series image including only inlier pairs and vector of outlier pair numbers (numbers correspond to *input* ASL time-series).
Computes pair-wise differences in ASL time-series data and removes outliers. One of two criteria is sufficient to classify an image as an outlier: 1) A difference image for which the mean is higher than the mean of all the images plus sigma.mean
times the standard deviation of the whole time-series; 2) A difference image which has a standard deviation greater than times the mean standard deviation of each difference image.
Tan H. et al., ``A Fast, Effective Filtering Method for Improving Clinical Pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling MRI,'' JMRI 2009.