# ch2bet is available in chris rorden's mricron
# but you can do something with any other image
# e.g. a statistical image
clust <- antsImageClone( tem )
clust[ tem < 80 ]<- 0
clust[ tem > 90 ]<- 0
clust[ tem > 80 & tem < 90 ]<- 1
ImageMath(3, clust,"ME",clust,1) # erosion
clust <- labelClusters( clust , minClusterSize=30, minThresh=1, maxThresh=1)
if ( ! exists("mymni") ) {
# try getANTsRData if you have www access
mymni<-list( antsImageRead(getANTsRData('mni'),3),
antsImageRead(getANTsRData('mnia'),3) )
gcoords<-getTemplateCoordinates( template_cluster_pair , mymni , convertToTal = TRUE )
# output will be like
# > gcoords$templatepoints
# x y z t label Brodmann AAL
# 1 -12 13 -3 0 1 0 Caudate_R
# 2 13 16 5 0 2 0 Caudate_L
# can also use a white matter label set ...
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab