# generate simulated outcome
nsubjects <- 100
x1 <- seq(1, 10, length.out=nsubjects) + rnorm(nsubjects, sd=2)
x2 <- seq(25, 15, length.out=nsubjects) + rnorm(nsubjects, sd=2)
outcome <- 3 * x1 + 4 * x2 + rnorm(nsubjects, sd=1)
# generate simulated images with outcome predicted
# by sparse subset of voxels
voxel.1 <- 3 * x1 + rnorm(nsubjects, sd=2)
voxel.2 <- rnorm(nsubjects, sd=2)
voxel.3 <- 2 * x2 + rnorm(nsubjects, sd=2)
voxel.4 <- rnorm(nsubjects, sd=3)
input <- cbind(voxel.1, voxel.2, voxel.3, voxel.4)
# simulate eigenvectors and mask
mydecom <- sparseDecom(input, sparseness=0.25, nvecs=4)
mask <- as.antsImage(matrix(c(1,1,1,1), nrow=2))
# generate sample demographics that do not explain outcome
age <- runif(nsubjects, 50, 75)
demog <- data.frame(outcome=outcome, age=age)
# randomly divide data into training and testing
data.split <- splitData(demog, 2/3, return.rows=TRUE)
result <- regressProjections(input[data.split$rows.in, ], input[data.split$rows.out, ],
data.split$data.in, data.split$data.out, mydecom$eigenanatomyimages,
mask, "outcome")
# }
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