A package containing general purpose utility functions for loading and manipulating APSIM output and met files.
Release Notes
- TAV and AMP calculations have been incorrect (swapped)
- loadApsim has new option: skipEmpty, which will skip output files with no data.
- prepareMet now writes dates in AU format to handle Apsim 7.9 which can now read dates in addition to year/day
- loadMet now allows met files to be streamed. Just pass it the complete url.
- Updated loadMet documentation to point to metFile object description.
- NEW: Added command to load APSIM Next Generation data files (GetApsimNGTable)
- Optimised loadMet function; now loads much faster.
- loadMet function now correctly reads constants in met files.
- Multi-year met data that ends with an incomplete year is now processed correctly.
- loadApsim now uses the current working directory if no directory is given.
- Fixed bug where constants were including a leading space.
- A vector of units is now required for prepareMet.
- loadMet will now read existing constants.
- metFile class has had a slot for constants added. Constants are a character vector of the format: variable=value.
- prepareMet now correctly handles R Date formatted dates.
- Fix for reading simulator output processed on a Condor cluster.
- Initial Release.