## Load the sample data
data(data, package = "ARTP2")
head(data[, 1:7])
## Load a build-in data frame containing pathway definition
## it can also be the path of the file
data(pathway, package = "ARTP2")
## Define the formula of base risk model
formula <- formula(case_control ~ sex + age + bmi + factor(study))
## binary outcome
family <- "binomial"
## Set the options.
## Accumulate signal from the top 5 SNPs in each gene
## 1e5 replicates of resampling to estimate the p-value
options <- list(inspect.snp.n = 5, nperm = 1e5,
maf = .01, HWE.p = 1e-6,
gene.R2 = .9,
id.str = "unique-pathway-id",
out.dir = getwd(), save.setup = FALSE)
## pathway test, can take a while
## data contains outcome, covariates and genotypes
# ret1 <- rARTP(formula, data = data, pathway, family, options = options)
# ret1$pathway.pvalue
## [1] 0.03218968 # Mac OS
## [1] 0.02188978 # Linux with 1 thread
## [1] 0.03455965 # Linux with 32 threads
## Mac OS
# head(ret1$gene.pvalue)
## Gene Chr N.SNP Pvalue
## 1 USP30 12 18 0.001319987
## 2 DCAF7 17 9 0.071644284
## 3 CANX 5 13 0.266337337
## 4 SOX12 20 15 0.349406506
## 5 CDKN2C 1 6 0.358031420
## 6 FEN1 11 4 0.415345847
## Linux with 1 thread
# head(ret1$gene.pvalue)
## Gene Chr N.SNP Pvalue
## 1 USP30 12 18 0.000899991
## 2 DCAF7 17 9 0.070219298
## 3 CANX 5 13 0.269772302
## 4 SOX12 20 15 0.350061499
## 5 CDKN2C 1 6 0.357766422
## 6 FEN1 11 4 0.414760852
## Linux with 32 threads
# head(ret1$gene.pvalue)
## Gene Chr N.SNP Pvalue
## 1 USP30 12 18 0.001454985
## 2 DCAF7 17 9 0.070379296
## 3 CANX 5 13 0.266927331
## 4 SOX12 20 15 0.350481495
## 5 CDKN2C 1 6 0.357701423
## 6 FEN1 11 4 0.414425856
# table(ret1$deleted.snps$reason)
# head(ret1$deleted.genes)
## Another way to use this function
## Load a vector 'geno' containing file names of genotype
data(geno, package = 'ARTP2')
## Set the paths of genotype files
## in this example, each file contains SNPs in a gene
geno.files <- system.file("extdata", package = "ARTP2", geno)
## data contains outcome, covariates
## Genotypes are instead included in files specified in geno.files
## geno.files are plain text files (or .gz file), which can be read by read.table
# ret2 <- rARTP(formula, data = data[, 2:6], pathway, family, geno.files,
# options = options)
# ret2$pathway.pvalue == ret1$pathway.pvalue
## The third way
## Genotypes are instead stored as binary PLINK files (bed, bim, and fam)
bed <- system.file("extdata", package = "ARTP2", "raw.bed")
bim <- system.file("extdata", package = "ARTP2", "raw.bim")
fam <- system.file("extdata", package = "ARTP2", "raw.fam")
geno.files <- data.frame(fam, bim, bed, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## a column SUBID must be included in data, in this example, first column is SUBID
# ret3 <- rARTP(formula, data = data[, 1:6], pathway, family, geno.files,
# options = options)
# ret3$pathway.pvalue == ret1$pathway.pvalue
# }
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