## Path of files containing summary statistics
## Only required columns will be loaded
study1 <- system.file("extdata", package = "ARTP2", "study1.txt.gz")
study2 <- system.file("extdata", package = "ARTP2", "study2.txt.gz")
## Path of a build-in file containing pathway definition
pathway <- system.file("extdata", package = "ARTP2", "pathway.txt.gz")
## Create data frame containing paths of build-in PLINK files that are going to used as reference
## As an example, use all chromosomes
chr <- 1:22
nchr <- length(chr)
fam <- vector("character", nchr)
bim <- vector("character", nchr)
bed <- vector("character", nchr)
for(i in 1:nchr){
fam[i] <- system.file("extdata", package = "ARTP2", paste("chr", chr[i], ".fam", sep = ""))
bim[i] <- system.file("extdata", package = "ARTP2", paste("chr", chr[i], ".bim", sep = ""))
bed[i] <- system.file("extdata", package = "ARTP2", paste("chr", chr[i], ".bed", sep = ""))
reference <- data.frame(fam, bim, bed, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## Set the options.
## Accumulate signal from the top 2 SNPs in each gene
## 1e5 replicates of resampling to estimate the p-value
options <- list(inspect.snp.n = 2, nperm = 1e4,
maf = .01, HWE.p = 1e-6,
gene.R2 = .9,
id.str = "unique-pathway-id",
out.dir = getwd(), save.setup = FALSE)
## different inflation factors are adjusted in two studies
lambda <- c(1.10, 1.08)
## two summary files, so there are two elements in each of two lists ncases and ncontrols
## the first summary file includes data calculated from meta-analysis of two sub-studies,
## each with sample size 63390 (9580 cases and 53810 controls) and 5643 (2591 cases and
## 3052 controls)
## see a few rows in study1
# s <- read.table(study1, header = TRUE, as.is = TRUE, nrows = 10)
# s$Direction
## [1] "+?" "+?" "++" "+?" "+?" "+?" "+?" "+?" "+?" "++"
## sub-study1 has 9580 cases, and sub-study2 has 2591 cases
## sub-study1 has 53810 cases, and sub-study2 has 3052 cases
## '?' means a SNP is not included in that sub-study
## any other symbols means a SNP is included in that sub-study
ncases <- list()
ncontrols <- list()
ncases[[1]] <- c(9580, 2591)
ncontrols[[1]] <- c(53810, 3052)
## the second summary file includes data calculated from one sub-studies with sample size
## 61957 (7638 cases and 54319 controls)
ncases[[2]] <- 7638
ncontrols[[2]] <- 54319
# logistic regression is used in base model, thus ncases and ncontrols should be specified.
family <- 'binomial'
## pathway test with two study files
# ret <- sARTP(summary.files = c(study1, study2), pathway, family, reference, lambda,
# ncases, ncontrols, options = options)
# ret$pathway.pvalue
## [1] 0.04594541 # Mac OS
## [1] 0.05149485 # Linux with 1 thread
## [1] 0.03969603 # Linux with 32 threads
## Mac OS
# head(ret$gene.pvalue)
## Gene Chr N.SNP Pvalue
## 1 BDH2 4 10 0.000749925
## 2 UBE2D3 4 6 0.001849815
## 3 PBX2 6 22 0.003849615
## 4 PPP1R14D 15 9 0.003849615
## 5 MRPL10 17 18 0.011448855
## 6 SCYL1 11 3 0.019848015
## Linux with 1 thread
# head(ret$gene.pvalue)
## Gene Chr N.SNP Pvalue
## 1 BDH2 4 10 0.000949905
## 2 UBE2D3 4 6 0.001699830
## 3 PPP1R14D 15 9 0.003949605
## 4 PBX2 6 22 0.004299570
## 5 MRPL10 17 18 0.012448755
## 6 SCYL1 11 3 0.017148285
## Linux with 32 threads
# head(ret$gene.pvalue)
## Gene Chr N.SNP Pvalue
## 1 UBE2D3 4 6 0.000849915
## 2 BDH2 4 10 0.001049895
## 3 PPP1R14D 15 9 0.003949605
## 4 PBX2 6 22 0.004899510
## 5 MRPL10 17 18 0.012798720
## 6 SCYL1 11 3 0.015048495
## pathway test with each of two studies
# ret1 <- sARTP(summary.files = study1, pathway, family, reference, lambda[1],
# ncases[1], ncontrols[1], options = options)
# ret2 <- sARTP(summary.files = study2, pathway, family, reference, lambda[2],
# ncases[2], ncontrols[2], options = options)
# ret1$pathway.pvalue
## [1] 0.04279572 # Mac OS
## [1] 0.03519648 # Linux with 1 thread
## [1] 0.04644536 # Linux with 32 threads
# ret2$pathway.pvalue
## [1] 0.3092691 # Mac OS
## [1] 0.2870213 # Linux with 1 thread
## [1] 0.3010699 # Linux with 32 threads
## The reference is passed as an individual-level genotype data frame
# ret.ref <- sARTP(summary.files = c(study1, study2), pathway, family, ref.geno, lambda,
# ncases, ncontrols, options = options)
# ret.ref$pathway.pvalue == ret$pathway.pvalue
## The reference genotype data can also be merged into a single set of PLINK files
bed <- system.file("extdata", package = "ARTP2", "ref.bed")
bim <- system.file("extdata", package = "ARTP2", "ref.bim")
fam <- system.file("extdata", package = "ARTP2", "ref.fam")
reference <- data.frame(fam, bim, bed)
# ret.comb <- sARTP(summary.files = c(study1, study2), pathway, family, reference, lambda,
# ncases, ncontrols, options = options)
# ret.comb$pathway.pvalue == ret$pathway.pvalue
## exclude some regions
exc.reg1 <- data.frame(Chr = c(1, 1, 22),
Pos = c(1706160, 11979231, 51052379),
Radius = c(5000, 0, 2000))
options$excluded.regions <- exc.reg1
# ret.exc1 <- sARTP(summary.files = c(study1, study2), pathway, family, reference, lambda,
# ncases, ncontrols, options = options)
# ret.exc1$pathway.pvalue
## [1] 0.04619538 # Mac OS
## [1] 0.0510449 # Linux with 1 thread
## [1] 0.04054595 # Linux with 32 threads
# sum(ret.exc1$deleted.snps$reason == 'RM_BY_REGIONS')
## or equivalently
exc.reg2 <- data.frame(Chr = c(1, 1, 22),
Start = c(1701160, 11979231, 51050379),
End = c(1711160, 11979231, 51054379))
options$excluded.regions <- exc.reg2
# ret.exc2 <- sARTP(summary.files = c(study1, study2), pathway, family, reference, lambda,
# ncases, ncontrols, options = options)
# ret.exc1$pathway.pvalue == ret.exc2$pathway.pvalue
## select a subset of subjects in plink files as the reference
## options$selected.subs should be in the same format as the first column of fam file
## load character vector subj.id of 400 subjects from build-in dataset
data(subj.id, package = "ARTP2")
options$selected.subs <- subj.id
options$excluded.regions <- NULL
# ret.sel <- sARTP(summary.files = c(study1, study2), pathway, family, reference, lambda,
# ncases, ncontrols, options = options)
# ret.sel$pathway.pvalue
## [1] 0.03469653 # Mac OS
## [1] 0.05284472 # Linux with 1 thread
## [1] 0.04164584 # Linux with 32 threads
# }
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