Statistical analysis of experiments conducted in a randomized block design with an additional treatment and balanced design with a factor considering the fixed model.
grau = 1,
norm = "sw",
homog = "bt",
alpha.f = 0.05,
theme = theme_classic(),
ylab = "response",
xlab = "independent",
family = "sans",
posi = "top",
pointsize = 4.5,
linesize = 0.8, = NA,
point = "mean_sd"
The table of analysis of variance, the test of normality of errors (Shapiro-Wilk ("sw"), Lilliefors ("li"), Anderson-Darling ("ad"), Cramer-von Mises ("cvm"), Pearson ("pearson") and Shapiro-Francia ("sf")), the test of homogeneity of variances (Bartlett ("bt") or Levene ("levene")), the test of independence of Durbin-Watson errors, adjustment of regression models up to grade 3 polynomial. The function also returns a standardized residual plot.
Numerical or complex vector with treatments
Numerical or complex vector with blocks
Numerical vector containing the response of the experiment.
Numerical vector with additional treatment responses
Degree of polynomial in case of quantitative factor (default is 1)
Error normality test (default is Shapiro-Wilk)
Homogeneity test of variances (default is Bartlett)
Level of significance of the F test (default is 0.05)
ggplot2 theme (default is theme_classic())
Variable response name (Accepts the expression() function)
Treatments name (Accepts the expression() function)
Font family
Legend position
Point size
line size (Trendline and Error Bar)
width of the error bars of a regression graph.
Defines whether to plot mean ("mean"), mean with standard deviation ("mean_sd" - default) or mean with standard error (default - "mean_se"). For quali=FALSE or quali=TRUE.
Gabriel Danilo Shimizu,
Leandro Simoes Azeredo Goncalves
Rodrigo Yudi Palhaci Marubayashi
doses = c(rep(c(1:5),e=3))
resp = c(3, 4, 3, 5, 5, 6, 7, 7, 8, 4, 4, 5, 2, 2, 3)
bloco = rep(c("B1","B2","B3","B4","B5"),3), bloco, resp, responsead=rnorm(3,6,0.1),grau=2)
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