powered by
Performs the descriptive analysis of an experiment with a factor of interest.
desc(trat, response, ylab = "Response", xlab = "Treatment", ylim = NA)
The function returns exploratory measures of position and dispersion, such as mean, median, maximum, minimum, coefficient of variation, etc ...
Numerical or complex vector with treatments
Numerical vector containing the response of the experiment.
Variable response name (Accepts the expression() function)
x name (Accepts the expression() function)
y-axis scale
Gabriel Danilo Shimizu, shimizu@uel.br
Leandro Simoes Azeredo Goncalves
Rodrigo Yudi Palhaci Marubayashi
desc2fat, tabledesc,dispvar
library(AgroR) data("pomegranate") with(pomegranate, desc(trat,WL))
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