The plot_TH function allows the user to build a column/line graph with climatic parameters of temperature (maximum, minimum and average) and relative humidity (UR) or precipitation. This chart is widely used in scientific work in agrarian science
xlab = "Time",
yname1 = expression("Humidity (%)"),
yname2 = expression("Temperature ("^o * "C)"),
legend.H = "Humidity",
legend.tmed = "Tmed",
legend.tmin = "Tmin",
legend.tmax = "Tmax",
colormax = "red",
colormin = "blue",
colormean = "darkgreen",
fillbar = "gray80",
limitsy1 = c(0, 100),
x = "days",
breaks = "1 months",
textsize = 12,
legendsize = 12,
titlesize = 12,
linesize = 1,
date_format = "%m-%Y",
sc = 2.5,
angle = 0,
legend.position = "bottom",
theme = theme_classic()
Returns row and column graphs for graphical representation of air temperature and relative humidity. Graph normally used in scientific articles
Vector with times
Vector with mean temperature
Vector with maximum temperature
Vector with minimum temperature
Vector with relative humidity or precipitation
x axis name
y axis name
Secondary y-axis name
Legend column
Legend mean temperature
Legend minimum temperature
Legend maximum temperature
Maximum line color (default is "red")
Minimum line color (default is "blue")
Midline color (default is "darkgreen")
Column fill color (default is "gray80")
Primary y-axis scale (default is c(0,100))
x scale type (days or data, default is "days")
Range for x scale when x = "date" (default is 1 months)
Axis text size
Legend text size
Axis title size
Line size
Date format for x="data"
Scale for secondary y-axis in relation to primary y-axis (declare the number of times that y2 is less than or greater than y1, the default being 2.5)
x-axis scale text rotation
Legend position
ggplot2 theme
Gabriel Danilo Shimizu,
Leandro Simoes Azeredo Goncalves
Rodrigo Yudi Palhaci Marubayashi
radargraph, sk_graph, barplot_positive, corgraph, plot_TH1, spider_graph, line_plot
with(weather, plot_TH(tempo, Tmed, Tmax, Tmin, UR))
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab