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AllelicImbalance (version 1.10.2)

annotation-wrappers: AnnotationDb wrappers


These functions acts as wrappers to retrieve information from annotation database objects (annotationDb objects) or (transcriptDb objects)


getGenesFromAnnotation(OrgDb, GR, leftFlank = 0, rightFlank = 0,
  getUCSC = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)

getGenesVector(OrgDb, GR, leftFlank = 0, rightFlank = 0, verbose = FALSE)

getExonsFromAnnotation(TxDb, GR, leftFlank = 0, rightFlank = 0, verbose = FALSE)

getExonsVector(TxDb, GR, leftFlank = 0, rightFlank = 0, verbose = FALSE)

getTranscriptsFromAnnotation(TxDb, GR, leftFlank = 0, rightFlank = 0, verbose = FALSE)

getTranscriptsVector(TxDb, GR, leftFlank = 0, rightFlank = 0, verbose = FALSE)

getCDSFromAnnotation(TxDb, GR, leftFlank = 0, rightFlank = 0, verbose = FALSE)

getCDSVector(TxDb, GR, leftFlank = 0, rightFlank = 0, verbose = FALSE)

getAnnotationDataFrame(GR, strand = "+", annotationType = NULL, OrgDb = NULL, TxDb = NULL, verbose = FALSE)


An OrgDb object
A GenomicRanges object with sample area
An integer specifying number of additional nucleotides around the SNPs for the leftFlank
An integer specifying number of additional nucleotides around the SNPs for the rightFlank
A logical indicating if UCSC transcript IDs should also be retrieved
A logical making the functions more talkative
A transcriptDb object
Two options,'+' or '-'
select one or more from 'gene', 'exon', 'transcript', 'cds'.


  • GRanges object with ranges over the genes in the region.

    The getGenesVector function will return a character vector where each element are gene symbols separated by commaGRanges object with ranges over the exons in the region.

    The getTranscriptsFromAnnotation function will return a GRanges object with ranges over the transcripts in the region.

    The getCDSFromAnnotation function will return a GRanges object with ranges over the CDSFs in the region.

    The getExonsVector function will return a character vector where each element are exons separated by comma

    The getTranscriptsVector function will return a character vector where each element are transcripts separated by comma

    The getCDSVector function will return a character vector where each element are CDSs separated by comma

    The getAnnotationDataFrame function will return a data.frame with annotations. This function is used internally by i.e. the barplot-function


These functions retrieve regional annotation from OrgDb or TxDb objects, when given GRanges objects.


Run this code
  OrgDb <- org.Hs.eg.db
  TxDb <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene

  #use for example BcfFiles as the source for SNPs of interest
  GR <- rowRanges(ASEset)
  #get annotation
  g <- getGenesFromAnnotation(OrgDb,GR)
  e <- getExonsFromAnnotation(TxDb,GR)
  t <- getTranscriptsFromAnnotation(TxDb,GR)
  c <- getCDSFromAnnotation(TxDb,GR)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab