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AllelicImbalance (version 1.10.2)

import-bam: Import Bam


Imports a specified genomic region from a bam file using a GRanges object as search area.


impBamGAL(UserDir, ...)
"impBamGAL"(UserDir, searchArea, files = NULL, XStag = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, ...)


The relative or full path of folder containing bam files.
arguments to pass on
A GenomicRanges object that contains the regions of interest
use character vector to specify one or more files to import. The default imports all bam files from the directory.
Setting XStag=TRUE stores the strand specific information in the mcols slot 'XS'
makes the function more talkative.


If the sequence data is strand-specific you may want to set XStag=TRUE. The strand specific information has then to be stored in the meta columns with column name 'XS'. If the aligner did not set the XS-tag and the data is strand- specific it is still be possible to infer the strand from the bit flags after importing the reads to R. Depending on the strand-specific protocol different combinations of the flags will have to be used. For illumina fr-secondstrand, 83 and 163 are minus strand reads and 99 and 147 are plus strand reads.


Run this code

#Declare searchArea
searchArea <- GRanges(seqnames=c('17'), ranges=IRanges(79478301,79478361))

#Relative or full path  
pathToFiles <- system.file('extdata/ERP000101_subset', package='AllelicImbalance')

#all files in directory
reads <- impBamGAL(pathToFiles,searchArea,verbose=FALSE)
#specified files in directory
reads <- impBamGAL(pathToFiles,searchArea,
			files=c("ERR009160.bam", "ERR009167.bam"),verbose=FALSE)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab