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AlphaPart (version 0.7.0)

write.csv: write.csv.R


Save summaries of partitioned additive genetic values to CSV files on disk for further analyses of processing with other software or just for saving (backing up) results.



# S3 method for default write.csv(...)

# S3 method for AlphaPart write.csv(x, file, traitsAsDir = FALSE, csv2 = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for summaryAlphaPart write.csv(x, file, traitsAsDir = FALSE, csv2 = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, ...)



Other options passed to write.csv2 or write.csv.


AlphaPart, object returned from AlphaPart function or summaryAlphaPart, object returned from summary.AlphaPart function.


Character, file name with or without .csv extension, e.g., both "file" and "file.csv" are valid.


Logical, should results be saved within trait folders; the construction is file.path(dirname(file), trait, basename(file)); folders are created if they do not exist.


Logical, export using write.csv2 or write.csv.


Logical, export row names as well?



See write.csv for details.


For each trait (list component in x) a file is saved on disk with name "file_trait.csv", where the file will hold original data and additive genetic value partitions. With traitsAsDir=TRUE files are saved as "trait/file_trait.csv". File names are printed on screen during the process of export and at the end invisibly returned.

|itemwrite.csv.summaryAlphaPartFor each trait (list component in x) two files are saved on disk with names "file_trait_abs.csv" and "file_trait_rel.csv", where the first file will hold absolute values and the second file will hold relative values of additive genetic value partitions. With traitsAsDir=TRUE files are saved as "trait/file_trait_*.csv". File names are printed on screen during the process of export and at the end invisibly returned.

Methods (by class)

  • default: Default write.csv method.

  • AlphaPart: Save partitioned additive genetic values to CSV files on disk on disk for further analyses or processing with other software or just for saving (backing up) results.

  • summaryAlphaPart: Save summaries of partitioned additive genetic values to CSV files on disk for further analyses of processing with other software or just for saving (backing up) results.


Function write.csv from the utils package works when exported object is a data.frame or a matrix. This is an attempt to make this function generic so that one can define write.csv methods for other objects.

See Also

write.csv help page on the default write.csv and write.csv2 methods in the utils package; summary.AlphaPart and AlphaPart help pages on the objects of summaryAlphaPart and AlphaPart classes.


Run this code
## Load an example data

## Partition additive genetic values
res <- AlphaPart(x=AlphaPart.ped, colPath="loc", colAGV=c("agv1", "agv2"))

## Write summary on the disk and collect saved file names
fileName <- file.path(tempdir(), "AlphaPart")
ret <- write.csv(x=res, file=fileName)

## Clean up
files <- dir(path=tempdir(), pattern="AlphaPart*")

# }

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