## Not run:
# ## This has to be in a dontrun block because otherwise I would have to
# ## expand the DEPENDS field for AnnotationDbi
# ## library("org.Hs.eg.db")
# ## library("org.Mm.eg.db")
# ## library("org.Sc.eg.db")
# ## library("hom.Hs.inp.db")
# ## library("hom.Mm.inp.db")
# ## library("hom.Sc.inp.db")
# ##Some IDs just for the example
# library("org.Hs.eg.db")
# ids = as.list(org.Hs.egUNIPROT)[10000:10500] ##get some ragged IDs
# ## Get entrez gene IDs (default) for uniprot IDs mapping from human to mouse.
# MouseEGs = inpIDMapper(ids, "HOMSA", "MUSMU")
# ##Get yeast uniprot IDs in exchange for uniprot IDs from human
# YeastUPs = inpIDMapper(ids, "HOMSA", "SACCE", destIDType="UNIPROT")
# ##Get yeast uniprot IDs but only return one ID per initial ID
# YeastUPSingles = inpIDMapper(ids, "HOMSA", "SACCE", destIDType="UNIPROT", keepMultDestIDMatches = FALSE)
# ##Test out the intraIDMapper function:
# HumanEGs = intraIDMapper(ids, species="HOMSA", srcIDType="UNIPROT",
# destIDType="EG")
# HumanPATHs = intraIDMapper(ids, species="HOMSA", srcIDType="UNIPROT",
# destIDType="PATH")
# ##Test out the wrapper function
# MousePATHs = idConverter(MouseEGs, srcSpecies="MUSMU", destSpecies="MUSMU",
# srcIDType="EG", destIDType="PATH")
# ##Convert from Yeast uniprot IDs to Human entrez gene IDs.
# HumanEGs = idConverter(YeastUPSingles, "SACCE", "HOMSA")
# ## End(Not run)
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab