#Loading the data to apply the trimowa algorithm:
dataTrimowa <- sampleSpanishSurvey
#[1] 600 5
numVar <- dim(dataTrimowa)[2]
bust <- dataTrimowa$bust
chest <- dataTrimowa$chest
bustSizes <- bustSizesStandard(seq(74, 102, 4), seq(107, 131, 6))
orness <- 0.7
weightsTrimowa <- weightsMixtureUB(orness,numVar)
numClust <- 3 ; alpha <- 0.01 ; niter <- 10 ; algSteps <- 7
ah <- c(23, 28, 20, 25, 25)
#For reproducing results, seed for randomness:
#numSizes <- bustSizes$nsizes - 1
numSizes <- 2
res_trimowa <- computSizesTrimowa(dataTrimowa, bust, bustSizes$bustCirc, numSizes,
weightsTrimowa, numClust, alpha, niter, algSteps,
ah, FALSE)
#Prototypes obtained with the trimowa algorithm:
prototypes <- anthrCases(res_trimowa, numSizes)
#length(unlist(prototypes)) is (numSizes - 1) * numClust
meds <- dataTrimowa[unlist(prototypes),]
regr <- lm(chest ~ bust)
#Prototypes defined by the European standard:
hip_UNE <- c(seq(84,112,4), seq(117,132,5)) ; hip <- rep(hip_UNE,3)
waist_UNE <- c(seq(60,88,4), seq(94,112,6)) ; waist <- rep(waist_UNE,3)
bust_UNE <- c(seq(76,104,4), seq(110,128,6)) ; bust <- rep(bust_UNE,3)
chest_UNE <- predict(regr, list(bust=bust_UNE)) ; chest <- rep(chest_UNE,3)
necktoground <- c(rep(130,12), rep(134,12),rep(138,12))
medsUNE <- data.frame(chest, necktoground, waist, hip, bust)
#[1] 36 5
dataAll <- rbind(dataTrimowa, meds, medsUNE)
#[1] 642 5
bh <- (apply(as.matrix(log(dataAll)),2,range)[2,]
- apply(as.matrix(log(dataAll)),2,range)[1,]) / ((numClust-1) * 8)
bl <- -3 * bh
ah <- c(28,20,30,25,23)
al <- 3 * ah
num.persons <- dim(dataAll)[1]
dataAllm <- as.matrix(dataAll)
dataAllt <- aperm(dataAllm, c(2,1))
dim(dataAllt) <- c(1,num.persons * numVar)
D <- getDistMatrix(dataAllt, num.persons, numVar, weightsTrimowa, bl, bh, al, ah, FALSE)
sequen <- (dim(dataTrimowa)[1] + 1) : (dim(dataTrimowa)[1] + length(unlist(prototypes)))
f <- function(i, D){
r <- min(D[i, sequen])
min_med <- sapply(1:dim(dataTrimowa)[1], f, D)
sequen1 <- (dim(dataTrimowa)[1] + length(unlist(prototypes)) + 1) : dim(D)[1]
f1 <- function(i, D){
r <- min(D[i, 619:636])
min_med_UNE <- sapply(1:dim(dataTrimowa)[1], f1, D)
#CDF plot:
main <- "Comparison between sizing methods"
xlab <- "Dissimilarity"
ylab <- "Cumulative distribution function"
leg <- c("Dissimilarity between women and computed medoids",
"Dissimilarity between women and standard prototypes")
cdfDissWomenPrototypes(min_med, min_med_UNE, main, xlab, ylab, leg,cexLeg = 0.7)
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