landmarksNoNa <- na.exclude(landmarksSampleSpaSurv)
#[1] 574 198
numLandmarks <- (dim(landmarksNoNa)[2]) / 3
#[1] 66
#As a toy example, only the first 15 individuals are used.
landmarksNoNa_First10 <- landmarksNoNa[1:10, ]
(numIndiv <- dim(landmarksNoNa_First10)[1])
#[1] 10
array3D <- array3Dlandm(numLandmarks, numIndiv, landmarksNoNa_First10)
#calibrate::textxy(array3D[,1,1], array3D[,2,1], labs = 1:numLandmarks, cex = 0.7)
numClust <- 2 ; algSteps <- 1 ; niter <- 1 ; stopCr <- 0.0001
resLL <- LloydShapes(array3D, numClust, algSteps, niter, stopCr, FALSE, FALSE)
clust_kmeansProc <- resLL$asig
prototypes <- anthrCases(resLL)
projShapes(1, array3D, clust_kmeansProc, prototypes)
#legend("topleft", c("Registrated data", "Mean shape"), pch = 1, col = 1:2, text.col = 1:2)
#title("Procrustes registrated data for cluster 1 \n with its mean shape superimposed",
# sub = "Plane xy")
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