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Anthropometry (version 1.19)

xyplotPCArchetypes: PC scores for archetypes


This function is a small modification of the generic xyplot function of the archetypes R package. It shows the scores for the principal components of all individuals jointly with the scores for the computed archetypes. This function is used to obtain the Figure 4 of the subsection 3.3 of Epifanio et al. (2013).



A device with the desired plot.


Irene Epifanio


Epifanio, I., Vinue, G., and Alemany, S., (2013). Archetypal analysis: contributions for estimating boundary cases in multivariate accommodation problem, Computers & Industrial Engineering 64, 757--765.

See Also

archetypesBoundary, USAFSurvey


Run this code
#First,the USAF 1967 database is read and preprocessed (Zehner et al. (1993)).
#Variable selection:
variabl_sel <- c(48, 40, 39, 33, 34, 36)
#Changing to inches: 
USAFSurvey_inch <- USAFSurvey[1:25, variabl_sel] / (10 * 2.54)

#Data preprocessing:
USAFSurvey_preproc <- preprocessing(USAFSurvey_inch, TRUE, 0.95, TRUE)

#Procedure and results shown in section 2.2.2 and section 3.1:
#For reproducing results, seed for randomness:
res <- archetypesBoundary(USAFSurvey_preproc$data, 15, FALSE, 3)
#To understand the warning messages, see the vignette of the
#archetypes package.  

a3 <- archetypes::bestModel(res[[3]])
a7 <- archetypes::bestModel(res[[7]])

pznueva <- prcomp(USAFSurvey_preproc$data, scale = TRUE, retx = TRUE) 
#PCA scores for 3 archetypes:
p3 <- predict(pznueva,archetypes::parameters(a3)) 
#PCA scores for 7 archetypes:
p7 <- predict(pznueva,archetypes::parameters(a7))
#Representing the scores:
#Figure 4 (a):
xyplotPCArchetypes(p3[,1:2], pznueva$x[,1:2], data.col = gray(0.7), 
                   atypes.col = 1, atypes.pch = 15)
#Figure 4 (b):
xyplotPCArchetypes(p7[,1:2], pznueva$x[,1:2], data.col = gray(0.7), 
                   atypes.col = 1, atypes.pch = 15)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab