object to be converted: either a single value (pH value, K* value, or concentration value) or an object of class aquaenv
only valid if x is a single value: the type of x, either "pHscale", "KHscale", or "conc"
only valid if x is a single value: only valid if x is a single value: the type of conversion to be done, for pH scales one of "free2tot", "free2sws", "free2nbs", ... (any combination of "free", "tot", "sws", and "nbs"); for concentrations one of "molar2molal", "molar2molin", ... (any combination of "molar" (mol/l), "molal" (mol/kg-H2O), and "molin" (mol/kg-solution))
only valid if x is a single value: salinity (in practical salinity units: no unit)
only valid if x is a single value: temperature in degrees centigrade
only valid if x is a single value: gauge pressure (total pressure minus atmospheric pressure) in bars
only valid if x is a single value: total sulfate concentration in mol/kg-solution; if not supplied this is calculated from S
only valid if x is a single value: total fluoride concentration in mol/kg-solution; if not supplied this is calculated from S
only valid if x is a single value: either "dickson" (default, Dickson1979a) or "perez" (Perez1987a) for K\_HF
only valid if x is a single value: either "dickson" (default, Dickson1990) or "khoo" (Khoo1977) for K\_HSO4
only valid if x is an object of class aquaenv: the unit which needs to be converted (as a string; must be a perfect match)
only valid if x is an object of class aquaenv: the unit to which the conversion should go
only valid if x is an object of class aquaenv: the conversion factor to be applied: can either be a number (e.g. 1000 to convert from mol to mmol), or any of the conversion factors given in an object of class aquaenv
only valid if x is an object of class aquaenv: which attribute should be converted? can either be "unit" or "pH scale"